Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the l(zzorv.ledg of fjod the Father, ~ as (peaking of proper Goods, not Kinfmen, his own, that is, his Houfhold– ~ Goods and Servants. Secondly ; Then follows the Entertainment of him by the Good, and the Privilege which he gave them. Even as great Perfons, entertained well, u!f to befiow Rewards; and as a King ufually dubbs thofe Knights, or creates them Earls or Barons, who have given him· Royal Entertainment: So did Chri(t to thofe who received him. By which the Evangelifi does further fet out Chrift, fhewing what he is to his Elect ; as before, he fhewed what Cbrifi is, and was to all the World. The Benefit given is Adoption to be Sons of God, verf. 12. But 41 man! as received him. to them gave he Power to become t~e Son1 of God, even to them tbat believe on hi1 Name: whtch he endeareth as the htghefi Favour thatcould be: So I Job. 3· 1. Behold, what nranner ofLove the Father hath beflowcd 01lte, that we Jhould be caUed the Sons ofGod. Chrifi he was born the Son, verf. 14, but to v, it is given [to them he gave, 6~c.J And in being Sons, we become Heirs, and Co-heirs with himfelf of the World which he made, and of all that is called his: SoRom.8. 17. AndifChildren, then Heir~; Heir~ofGod, and]oint-Heirs witb Chrijl : if fo bethat we foffir with him, that we 11ray be alfo glorified together, He gave them [ <t~ulocv] that is, both the Dignity and the Power to become the Sons of God. So it is taken for 'Power, Coi.I.I6. PrincipalitiCJ and Power1.· And it is a!(o put for Dignity. Thus Rom. I 3· 1. becaufe a Magifirates Place of Power bath Honour likewife annexed to it, therefore the Word is put for Honour. And fo, becaufe this Hon011r ofbeing Son1 of God, bath 'Power annexed to it, even over all Creatures; (as they are Heirs, and Co-heirs with Chrifi, and fo Kings of the World) therefore he rightly calls it <t~uloc, to import both, Power and Dignity: and both contained in that Priviledg of Son-fhip. Only he fhews by what means Chrill: cloth convey this to them; which is by their [being Born not of Blood.] Ver( I 3· Which were born, not ofBlood, nor of the Will of the Flejb, nor of tbc Will of Man, but of God. (Say not yc1l bave Abrabam to your Father); thi• Dignity goes not by Greatnels ofBirth: [Nor oftbe Will oftbe Flejh.] Not ofa Man's own Will, It i1 not to him that willeth, [Nor of tbcWill ofMan;] that is, of other Men: Holy Men cannot beget their Children Good, or make themfuch; the meaning is, that no Friend, no Means could confer this Priviledg, but only Chrifi. ' I CHA P. '·'