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and h3 Son !lefus Chrifl. ~ Chap. 13. -------------------------------------------~ C H A P. X I I I. How Chrifl God-Man is fubfer-vient to ljod in all the WorkJ of hi8 Pro~idence. He upholds. and Jupports all Things. He go-verns the l:Porld. and rules all riAjfairs in it. .dfter hi8 (jo-ve'fnment i8 expir'd, at the end of the World he will judge all Creatures, both .dngels, and rfl'v:[en. CoL. 1. 17. He u before all Things, and by /,im all Things conftjf. THus we have feen the fubferviency ofChri!l: as God-Man, to the Work of Creation, and the highe!l: Ends thereof, the Manife!l:ation, and the Communication of the God-head the highefi way. The next thing to be confidered by us, i.shis ferving God in the Warks of his Providence, the upholding, governing this World, whil!l: it !l:ands, and his Judging it at the Jail:; unto all thefe Ends alfo doth Chrifi God-Man fubferve. Fir({, For the upholding all Things that is evident in this Text of Col. i. 17. By hint do all Things con.Ji.ft; He is the Corner-Stone that keeps the Building and all the parts ofit together, Heb. I. 2,3. it is [aid, He uphclds all Things by the l.Yord uf his Poa>er, and it is fpoken ofhim not limply confidered as Second Perfon, but as God-Map, for [o he is Heir appointed, not as Second Perfon, but fo Heir na– turplly without a Decree, and that as fuch he !hould uphold all Things by the W<;>rAofhis P9wer, is proper to him; and therefore it refers to it, for to the Hei,r,jt belongs to have a care of, and to fee to hisl!)heritance, that it fall not into Ruipe, and Decay. God, as it were, leaves it to him, feeing he bath given it him for his Inheritance, to keep it up in repair at his own proper Cofrs and Charges. And thus he upheld it virtually in the State of Innocency, for ]ob.1.4. he is cal\ed Th~t 'Light that then was the Lift of Man, even afore Man fell into Sin and Darkn~fs, as well as after, as verf 5· (as God made and created the Wo,ld then upon the virtual Suppofition of his coming into the World, though to a further End alfo) for the World was then upheld by virtue thereof, it was the Hoop held all together,God fhould not have cared eire for any Creature;for to me thofe imperfeCt pieces of his Workmanfhip are alone not worthy enough of hiS Po)Ver and Wifdom, ifthis had not been to come, which he had purpofec! and decreed, as well as the making ofthe World. And fince Mari fell it is granted by all, that it is by virtue ofhis Redemption to come, that the World !l:ood and was l)ept from falling about Adam'sEars: Chrifr took the fi1attered Condition of the W9.rld, as D,a'fJid did, and upheld the Pillars of it, and, as a Lord, promilec! to buy it, ana did fo, 2 Pet. 2. 1. becaufe he had Eletl: to be brought forth in their Succeffions out ofit; and therefore vouchfafed all thofe Mercies whicil wickoo Men enjoy, and payed God a Price for his Patience towards them; he had this into the Bargain of his&ederiiption of his Church, God elfe in jufrice would have defiroyed all; Secondly,