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and M ~on :fefus Chrifl. which 1 ve under£hmd not; and to do this out of the Original Draught a-nd .~ Counfel held in Heaven, why this or that was done or not done fo or fo, or ChaP· '3· not fo and to do this openly and vocally as a Man ; and when he hath fem all ~ Men c~nvinced, non·plufl:, ffieechlef, (as the Word is in the Parable) confounded to Hell, to give up his Kingdom,and him!elfvifibly be fubject to God his Father : Tis a Mighty Service this.. But yet, Laftly, After all this, He is the Founder of that other World intd which he brings his Children, given him by God, which is his Inheritance for himfelfand them, and their Happinefs is exprefl: by this, To be ever with the Lord. And ]oh. I7- 24. Chri!l: in his !all: Prayer, fays, Father, I will they be where I am, and fie my Glory; and till then that Perfonal Fulnefs (of which I Cj1ake at firfl:) that is in God-Man, Chrifl: Jefi.!S, is referved by God, as a fubject of that Depth and Glory, to take up, together with his own Perfections, the Thoughts of M~n and Angels for ever. Our Happinefs will lye in feeing God and Chrifl: as he is ; (for unto both cloth that Speech refer, I Joh. 3· 2. Beloved, now are we the Sons of God, and it doth notyet appear what we fball be: b11t we lznow, that whw hefhaU appear, 1ve jha/1 be li"' him ; for we fhall fie him a< he i1.) And if the fight of Cbrifl:, God-Man, be not the highefl: means ofthe Happinefs of the Saints, (be– caufe the Scripture mentions alfo God his being .All in All;) Yet I am fure it is a main part of it: Rev. 21. 23. And the City hod no need of the S11n, neitherof the Moon to jhim in it: for the Glury of God did lighten it, and the Lamb i1 the Light thereof. The Glory ofGod and the Lamb are the Light of it. And fo Stephen. faw the Glory of God, and Chrifl: at God's right Hand, AC117·56. So that when thefe two great Volumns, this ofhis Word, and that of his World, which now in this Life are put into our Hands, to read the Characters of his -Glory irt by Faith, when both thefe fhall be folded up and clean laid afide, then will the Per– Con ofChrifl:, God-Man, as the Glory of the God-head, fhining in, and commu– nicating it felf to us, through that Human Nature the God-head dwells in, be fet forth to us, to entertain us for ever with the fight ofthe Glory ofGod in the Face of Chrifl:; and all our prefent Thoughts and Knowledg we have by Faith, wiil become vain and be made unprofitable and vanifh, 1 Cor. I3.8, 9· Charity mver faileth: b111 whether there be PropheriCJ, they fba/1 fail; whether therebe Tong'"'' they foal/ ceafi; whether there be K11owledg, it fba/1 vanifb •way. For we ~1ow i" part, and we prophejj in part. And that Face will make an Heaven to us,when Redemp" tion fhall be forgotten through the prefent Glory viewed and poffeffed, and Sins . remembred no more, but the Glory of God, and the Perfonal Glory. of the Lamb, fhall be our Light and Happinefs for ever. Vfi. t. Let us admire Chri!l: that thus ferves to all, not our Ends only, to fave us,. but which is more, to all God's Ends and Purpofes, and 10 accomplifh all the Defires ofhis own Heart ; what an infinite Perfection muf.l: this needs be ? Nature and Art ( fays the Philofopher) makes but one Infl:rument to ferve in a proper and direct way, but for one purpofe; but this is a Perfon whom God hath fet forth for all Ends and Purpo!es whatfoever. If you fhould fee an In– fl:rumem in Mufick ferve at once to fupply the life, and afford the Mufick of all lnfl:ruments ; or a Mathematical Infl:rument fo made, as all Conclufio.ns in all Arts and Sciences might be demonfl:rated on it, and it to ferve for all ufcs, in Arithmetick to call: exact Accounts, in Geometry to meafure all ~amities, in Geography, Afl:ronomy to give you the exact Proportion of all the Earth, and Stars in Heaven, how would you wonder and admire at it! Oh wonder then at the l?erfon of Jefus Chrifl; Great is the Myjlery ofGodlinej!', God manifejl in the Flefh, I Tim. 3· I6. Vfi. 2. IfChrilt, that is our Mediator, is fo ufeful unto God in all his other Bufineffes, and ferves all his other Ends as well as this : This may then belp our Faith, by perfuading us, that God cannot but be infinitely well pleafed with the Cwing ofSinners by him, and that believe on him (he being as good, if not better at that, than all thofe Purpofc>S forememioned): for the Perfon (in whom wearegraciou!lyaccepted) beingpleafingtoGod fo many ways befides this, mul:t