Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

~00 Of the K..Eorvledg of yod the Father, ~Corn abides alone if it dye not; Verily, Verilj·, I faJ unto you, Except aCorn 0 f Bo ° K !11 Wheat fall i11to the Ground, and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bri11geth forth ~muchFmit. Vfe. 7· Let us applaud our own Happil)els in fuch an Hufband, and keep to him alone, and not dote upon any Vanity. Why? Becaufe,.a·s the Apof'cle argues againft vain Learning, Philofophy, &a. Col. 2. 8, 9, 10. Beware lefl iVlJ Man fP_oil you through PhilofophJ and vain Deceit, afte>' the Traditi!n of :M£n, after the Rudiments of the World, a11d not after Chrijl: •For in him dwelleth all the Fulmfl of the GPdhead bodifJ. And ye are compleat in him, which is the Head ofall Prillci– pality and Power. That all Fulnefs being in him, in himye are compleat, you need no other Learning, no other Wifdom; for verC3. In hi11~ are hid allth~ Treaforesof Wifdom and K uowledg,m companfon ofwh1ch all theWtfdom oftheWorld comes ro naught. Like a Kingdom that bath all Commodities (as China: ) Or a.great Mnn that bath all about him ofhis own : So have you in Chrift, you need go out to nothing for any thing. You go to feek for Light with a Candle, when you have the Sun in your Hand; whiill having Chrift you feek to be happy in any thing elfe: You need borrow nothing, nor be beholden to any Creature, your Hufband bath all Fulnefs. We needed not the Law to direCl: us, if we knew his Story, and could (pell out all1he PaffJges of his Life, by whom the Law wa• tranfcendemly fulfilled in Jnftancesofa higher kind; iftheLives ofall the Saints, of Puul, Abrah11m, ·6·c. and all the Law and Bible were burnt, all might be re– newed in hi9 Story, ifthat were enough known ; they only ferve to us to helpus to underftand him; we needed no other Motives ~ban what may be drawn from him, and his Love, if our Hearts were holy enough and conformed to him. In a Word, ifChrift fcrve fully to all God's Ends, (who bath vafter Plots th~n we) and is adequate to them, then much more to all ours, who have but low Con· trivements. therefore love him, and ferve him, and make him our End, and think qur fclves compleat in him. F IN, IS.