Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

THE CONTENTS0 BOOK I. T Hat the Creatures art 11ot God, but the Work! of his Power: They were 11ot Coeter11tll with God. The inji11ite dljlflllct between him andthem. pag. I Chap. I · The Crrutt<res are 1101 God. The AbfurdJties ofthofe ranti11gO– pi11io11s which affert it, expos'd. ib. Chap. 2. The Creatures were 11otfrom Eter11ity rxijlit1g i11 God. f Chap. l· The infinite dijlallce bttwem God and the Creatures, i11 refpell that heu the Muker andPreferver ofthem:Iu that aljo he fl Etemal,t!J fo before they had bei11g he dwelt a– lo1le i11 himfelf , and pof!effed all things in himfelf. He u the high and lofiy One, a11d u fo [t1prramly exalle11t, M it tranfcmds all other: Hu Namr is Holy, and Jo h above the Creatures, and {tparated from them, The true 11ame of Bei11g u proper only to God; the Creatures are /;ut the Shadows atJd .dpptJJr– anees ofBei11g, 8 BOOK ll. OF the .firfl ejlate of Mtn and Angels by their Creation. What were the Laws andRights of Creation; a11dwhat WM equitably diu /;etwem the Creator and hu Crea– ttlre. Oftheflateoftheftrfi.Man Adam in Im,ocenct,ulldWhat wrre hu Circumjlanas i11 that hu Pri· mitive Condition, I 9 Chap,!. What WM the Law of Crea– tion o11God's part: It WM but what hcame andWM Worthy ofthegreat Creator t• do a/J for hu Crratmes that {11ch '' ReltgioJJ required. This cwfifled m two thi11gs: t.Tomdow them with the Image ofHolintfs to quali.fie them to attain their de• jigned end,which wM to lmow,lov~ mtdmjoy him. 2. To continue hir goodnefs andfavour to them,M loug M thfJ cotztinued in their dt<ty and obtdience. The Co11ditio11 of both Attgels and Mtn, qy the Law o/ their Creation, commo11 and cquat; for fu6jlatJce. ibid. Chap.'i. The mutability ofthat.firfl e– ft ate. By its conflitutiotJ, andtheir own weaknejr, 6oth Angels and Mm were liable to faU from it. God WIU not at aO obligtd114 Crea– tor, t• preferve hu Crtattlrts in that ftrjl condttton ejftllually by ht4 Grace. Tht caufes of thttl' muta– bility. To be chatJgtable u the nd• ture of a Creature, WJth differenct from God, who only u Immutable. That theCreaturt bei11gmade out of Nothi?if,, tmds to a Ve.ficitncj. ' 'i Chap. 1· Of the firft rlate tntn rttn through, viz, that oflmJOetnty. A /Jrirf draught of a/J thofe (tverat States orConditions,throl(~# which Godleadeth the Etell ofMankiud. Togethe.- with a compari[o11 ofthofe States together, . l t Chap. 4· Containing a jho.-t vitw of the happinefs of Adam's Co11dition, l7 Ch.~,The ImageofGod ilt Adam,how itwtUnatural,h'ow explaitld,&how faith u fupernatura); That knowled;4 of God 11att1ral,which u due rmd lit for a reafona6Je CrttJiure to have, t111d which he acqriires by the e:Ji' trci(e of hu Ratto1Jtll Ftcuttus~ That kllowledgfupernaturaf which go~s.!Jeyondwhat Man,by the right of hu Creatio11 wM to have.Adnm' J brow/edge ofGod u.•M i1t a 1llltt~rat At W:!Jil