Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Contentr. ----------------- --------------------------------------- <.:1., .. cbougb tl (.w8t{ied btm, and fbot~ld advance them to tbe ltke was j o)":ed '1!ntb Roft,cjs. 40 glonom Condition M himfelf badm Char.6. Tb tt the Covenant of Works, Heaven, The Glory of thi< Ac· the J:illification of Adam 6y that compltjbmetJtwtHappontedfor him, CovcM iil, rmd the Reword of hu <mtbo11t co1ljideraflot1 ef the Fall. Obed~tue, -;::er I' ,,/I Natural. And That mterpojing, he came mtd J 11 f. tbat b) Covn;m:t he lboztld 110t h,rve fered, mtd died, to remove t!Jf 0 6goue to lieavett. 4) jlacles that the Fall had laid i11thf C!up.7. lf'bethrr Ad'm KrlfW God b_y way of thf Exmllion of the Work tbe Li~ht of Fmtb aud Supemaltt· firfl dejig>ted. 71 r.1l Re'vel,,tio7l, fttpcradded to the Cbap.lo. A mort particular comparz. L i•ht of Re,,fou, His Fairh wa< j0116etwu11Adam and Jeji# Chrtfl 11 rlfttrtlt, /;oth ttJ its mC'ti·ve.~ tlttd tn their PerJOns: The Format1o~: (remtds , brmg an aJ{ent to God's of Adam's Body by God'" immtdi- 'Teflimol!)' M rrue, who{e ~·eracity he att Hand, typifies the AJJumption b rewhr tbt L rght of N ,ztm·e. Nor of the Hummt Natttre 6y the Son of did hi<F.:itb dc{covrr to bim things God, wbofe Body '1£'44 formed were above bu thm pre{wt medtattly 6y the Holy Ghofl. The 1Mtur 1l f/.<tr. Thu proved hy frVnio11 of Sottl and Body in Adam 7Hral Argt~mcnts, Our way of t)ptfestheHJpojlaticalV11ioiJ, b; k~;owing <:rod l,;• htith "ftrpernawb.1t tbtre u att Agretment i11 the t:tral, and tu what re(pefl tt "Jo. Comparifim 6etwem tbem; where- )O i11 a'Difparity, What wa< the flatf Chnp. 8. r!owAdam, and hi; flate , acof Adam's Body: It comprized thf cordmg to the Law of the firfl Perfealons ofa/J Creatflres: /t was Crealtntl, wa< intended by God tU fuittd to take in all the Pleafures " T)pe of one, who was robe afeandComforts which they co11ld afcondAci.lm, .'Jel~« Clmf/, ,md the ford: It had a natural hmtty in it: Fotmdtr of a Supematttrlll Co11diIt WM gttarded from Injurtes, a11d tion. · So"'e tbing.r premis'd of the w «< immortal; yet in its Origi11al nature, arrd v,,,·iom divifion of '' 'twas 6t1t earth. It depended o1J T,.pe. Wherri11 Adamwa< a 7jpe of the Creat11r_es for its Su6fiflnrce, Chrrfl :As be "'-'M i1: hu flate ofI:~- m1dw<U Ju6;e8 to mmcy Alttrati- •roanr:;· a p:<hltck Ptr{on mtd tbe otts. To what a higher degru of He,zd of ]11 mkind, and (o derived Glory,the 'Divi1teNattlre of Chrijf, to hu Por1<rity the Imputation of tmited to the Humane, rau'd the hi.r 'D1{o6edrence ; (o he wa< a Type Body of Chrifl, a< he i< One with o(Clm{/, asprcordt~itied before the God, aud the Lord from Hfavm. Worlrl was, ,;ndwithout conjidfra· It wa< ntcefJary that the Glory of tion of thr Fall, to be the Root mcd hu Humane Natflrt 0ould excel a!J Head of the Ele8, atzd to co11vey Creatures, eVtlt the Angels themto them tbe Supernatural benefits of [elves. The glory ofhu Body wa< Grace. 6) illt~Jirt~tedbyhu Tramfiguratio1ton Chap. 9· Tbe Explication of tbe tbe Motmt ; and yet tbat fe/J jhort wordscFthe Text : Inwh<ttParof the Glory it ha< TIOW ill Hraticul.Jr.r thtJ' make a Comparifon of vw. 86 Cb•·ifl th• T1pe,mrd Adam rbeAnti· Chap. 11. What rl more glorioru Contype. In tbeir Perfons, a< Ad am dctio11 tben W«< Adam's in Innoh,Jd in bim a Princtple of ttafural a11ce, Chri{l will r,1i(e O'J ttp tmto, Left, {o Cbrijl ha< of fpirittJaf. As , proved zn the lowefl brjln11a of it, puhlcck 'Per{o11s, aud Heads of VIZ, tbeglory Otlr Bodits fba/1 have Mankmd, a< Adam C0117HYJ h~< Ita· ar tbt Re{tcrreflio11. Wberei11 th<1t w•·.•l Lrfr, fo Chnf/ bi. JPirituat, glory Jbafl co•ififl, ./1 Comparifo1J 'fiJ proved out of tbr fame Trxt, betwun thatglory our Bodies jhall Tbat Adam 6rfore bu Fall,w«< thtu then pujfefs, m1d what Adam's had intmded a< a Prophetick Ti•pe of ill Pflradi(t: A11din what rejpeiJ Cbri{l to come, a< the Head of the ours/ball far excel /;u. 103 ElcfJ, 'Wbo a< a publick Perjofl, OF