Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

OF THE CREATURES, AND TH E C .ONDITION OF TH E IR. State byCreation. BOOK I. That the Creaturet are not God , but the Worfv of his Power : 1hey were not Coeternal with God. 'fhe In• finite diflance between him and them. I COR. VIII. 6. --One Go'd, of whom are all thil1gs. CHAP, I The Creatum are not God. The Abfurditier of thofo Ranting Opinionr which ~fJert it, E:JCpor'd. . HERE hath rifcn up from out of the bottomlefs Pit ;-in ~his Age; a prodigious Opinion; which bath been vcn<ed and main· tained with more daring Impudence than Men of themfelves could have alfumed, had not the Devil infpired and blown up t hm Fancies thereunto; viz. That all thit:gs (which God hath made) are i11d:ed but pieces a11d parcels of God himfdf: And that, thac · 13 whi:h I f"'....A./\ Chup. J , v-v--..1