Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

of theirStatebyCreation, 3 lflh o olll)• h.~tb zmmortallf)',. d-:;;el/i:;g i1l the light, ohicb nom,u:c.w ap- ~ proac/; utJto, wh_o~ 110 m,u; /;,~th [u1~, u~r co(mjc~ : Much lcfs rllercfo~e can~ reach to the parflcipatJon ot Brm m hts Bewg, an...~ Gl'?ry, fo as to be Hlmfelf. H?rmrs Tri(m.t– His Being is proper to~i~fel f, and i,mire with H:mfdt. . g_i~,,s 1. s: ad Tnc Devil of this Optmoo, _t b~t rne Creature IS God , ?rat lcaft a p1cce of~il~:;~t~::" him, bath haunted the World tn former Ages, as well as tt ~all;s IJOW. The """·rom,,do Philofoph~rs had it up; the ~oers amongfi the Heathen, and Hcret1~ks a~~ng ;;;~~~;{/'~~~ff" the Chri!ltans , downwards 10 all Ages. My Brethren, confider wl;at 7 rm! 1 ,dvid"•"'""' bath Uttered, Rom. •. 2 ). fpeaking of the Heathen, he faith •.They CbflHged •J•wl "" vidu. the Truth of God iuto a Lie ( that is , the eifence a_nd being of G~d) tlJ!dt.t:;~~;:;~;;~. worfbipped and jerved the Crtt1ture more tha1J tht Creator, who u btc_Ue~ dirtllmt>JJ-r.ickz~ for ever, Amen. To which Speech at once, he puts a bar and Wall of feparau~ Mi?fpraking a~ on between God's being , and that of the Creatures; and alfo Adores· th~ infi· ~~~~~~;~~~l~pt· nite blcfTednefs of that llis being intire within it iclf , as is not commumcable Mooi,hw, ,_ to the Creature; and alio (peaks in oppofition to theworfhipping of Creatures~;~~~,::;';:)' as God,upon any account, much lefs, as tf they "'.ere cffennally God. The dtm MPf,rig Jews tndeed , rhey would narrow God, by confimog huti to their Temple ; c"""&c"– and there:o~e God vindicates hirr~fclfagainfi that rellraint, by this, lj.i. 66. I ;~u~~,fe~;~~~~" rn.lde att.rb;11gs : And where W tlt y efind me 1W houje? But the lkathcn, they q:ti ftro.·~· t•.1nt fJnciedGod was like rhc Creatures, and under that notion, wodhipped h:m crWMttpotil:s in the Creat~res ~ And inoppofitio~ thereunto faid lf.;i d; alfo , To ":.:Jhom wtll ~.;:;;.~c;t;~~~s; .J'' !Jkm me 1 fpenking of Heathentlh Idolatry. And P,m/ had an eye to both ,J,rvii!f.r.t'b"' At1s r 7· 2 4• 29. Godtb~t made the f;Jiorld , .a11d ait thines tberenJ , dwei!erb ~;;~~·:.~:!! 1101 111 Temples rn,u/e wtth h<mds : And agam Verf.29. W e ot~gbt 11ot to thmk, <rcrJ!i!Jm;c,, that the GodheadU /J/u WJfo Gold , or S.t lver, or Sto1Je , grtJVeu /Jy art and ~Jtr11 uprtbtll· Mu_n: devsje. The Idol:uyof the He:tt.hendid rife no bigber ( \\ hatevcr the ~:{t~1;,a~~J, .. Opmwn of fome of them was) than thts , that they ch,l1iged the Truth(or ef. uj/,bi!ttb.rht•– fence )of God , i11to thu Lie, by worfhipping the Creature as like unto God; ".'q•i &!": and yet thereby ( whil(l they know it not) they worjhipped the ( re,tltlre more~~';';'~"":'· 1 hm1 God: If God found fault with thefe , how muft his jealoufie rife up in fu- c,;,;;}, 1 j,;Z . ry againft thofe, that not only make the Creature hke to God , but make eve. o,qmdit".'·,i.h· ry Creature to be Godhimj<lj? To thefe he might not only fay ( as to them ) :;,?,~b,'jj;(,t:to wbom will ,.e ftl:en me,But who,more tmpwully do make Creature th.e f.11ne jimiuo.At,"n that I am? This is an Idolatry which thegenerali~y, oft.heHeathen pracbfed ~'~~;~',trJ;Z'• not. . d.Jm {t im3gi~ umumplationtm itaUnMDea, ut rtip{u ip[aru'll in aby((.~U prafu'1.1o fubmtrgantllr; pttta twn;~nit.JJa•uu'hillt:~r~:)}. [;;: P:;.tnf in nivinitattm. Which alfo the Anab.1ptiifs which are called ltWhiiftJ in Holland, have held of the humani1y of Chrill:. Alfo Stroltas, as Calt~in hath it, held Dtitatem in omnibus Crtatr1ris c.Defub{l.Jn~ialittr : So Calu. Tra[l. 11uo!og. p.1g. 6o9. a11d 6 57 • AUo Stb:t/lian/11 Franc'<._, Intrw1co, Dmm efft Tru~c·1m, in Porco farcum, in D;;bJlo Dia?ol:m: : LiiJmin : C.1tv. c.1p. r3· Ipeaking of Ll/crttirtlfS (one of them){um Dtus ( faith he) And fiRce then , WigtUus : And of old , Dionyji:H , E/Jt omni: 11 n tjl ipi.t. Divinitas , Omnt ql!od vidtr , & qroo!l non vidts: Luc.:n.l. 3· Jupiter is ttl q11odcunqr1t vidrs , q·1 ocunque movtris. Are not we( as wasfa id, )theClay, and He th~. Eotter ? And are not thofe t wo di(lant enough, if we take but the diftance between a Man that is the Potter and his Clay, when yet the Man himfelf , who is tlwt Potter, is made as well as his pots are by him ? ( You find the companfon ]er. •8. 6. and Rom. 9·20. ) But, to make God the Potter, to turn ~1imfelf to Clay , and then to make Veffels out of himfelf; and then, for him to fay again unto his pots, as made out of himfelf, Retum ye Sons of Mm i11to Godagai11, ( as t'1eir tan– cies are ) Is not this a goodly Ij.eligion? A goodly Religion indeed~ Ohy Potfhe~rd~ of' the Earth, know your di(lance from your Creator ; you are of a d1ffenn~Metal: Let the porlheards of the Earth Ra•lt it againft the If fe llow potlheards of the Earth, as lfaiah hath it, Ch. 4)· 9· and not think ro vyc with your Creator, as were pieces of him, yea, fellow· mates with him, when as you are lefs than notbing, lfi•. 40. •7· They are Nothi11g; yea 1 lrji tb.mNo– thi!Jg. He hath much a do to keep himlelffrom denying t ~1em a Name of be– ing; and even that vani!heth whilft compared with h11n. And if th''i' )lad bm a drop of him taken altogether , they could not have added to this Ocean; but if they be nothing, and lefs than nothing,then furcly,they ar~ no pa rts of him; of which afterwards, ~ B 2 J\g1in 1