Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the Creaturer, and the Condition ~ Again , to argue th is from invincible Reafon : If all things were God, all BooK I. difference of Good and Evil would be taken away, and God thould fin in all ~that is aded in and by the Creature, (which is thot, thefe Men do aim at, to have their Confciencesdifcbarged of all Obligations:) If they can once per– fwade their Souls, that they are God; then as God fins not, fo nor do ili~ ' Again , if fo, then there would be no Obligation between the Creator and the Creature; nor aUJy law which they are obliged unto : which alfo they would obliterate out of their own and other Mens Confciences, in fayiog: That it proceeds from the degenerate ignorance of the Creature , and thnr unbelief of what they truly are, that they think therilfelves .Subject to a Law. Again, there could be no Redemption, the Creature needed it not; Cor it could never be loft from God, it bemg fubftanrially a piece of himfdi: Nor God could make no Election nor Reprobation among his Creatures; for him– felf were both that which is chofm, and what is condemned; and he would then be condemning himfelf, or felf-condemned : And God thould hote part of himfelf; whereas 110 M,m everyet hated his ow11f/efh, Eph. )· 2.9, but the Scripture fays in the Name of God , Efau have I hated ~c. Ram. 9· 13· . Again, all the idolatry of the Nations would be juftified by this; yea, even fuch idolatry as the light of the wife(\ of ~em condemned. Oh Jcmflas Ge,tes qttibus htec na{ctmtur iu hortis, Nttmiua! Condemning the Eg)ptiam wor– lhipping Herbs for Gods: Yea, not only Herbs, but Serpents, forejooted Bea]ls and cretpitig things; which the Apoftle Ram. 1. 2. >· Aud chm1ged the glory o( the uncorruptible God, into cm Image made l1he to corruptible Man, a11d to birds, andfourfooted Beafls, cmd crupi11g things; toucheth upon. Oh~ theft are the Gods, Ob Ifrael; ar.Jd not only thefe, but the Devil himfelf, that old Serpent, for he is a Creature too, Yea , Men might worthip their own draught, and fo make a God of that, which God himfelf, in fo much fcorn, fpeaks of the Heathens Gods, by the Prophet,A 'Drmgbii-God,'Dij flercorarrj, It might further bo faid that God Creates himfelf, and Creates nothing bur himfelf, that Opus efl Artift>:: Himfelfthe work of his own hand, and yet the Maker too, Tis true indeed, the Scripture fays, that all thit1gs are-of him, and aa thi11gs are thine; as 'Davidinhis panegyrick made to God: ' Tis alfo fa id of him, That he is above all, and in you all, cmd through aii,Epb.4.6. 'Tis alfo faid, that God is all in all; but it is no where faid, that God is all thi11gs; or, that all things are Godhimfelf. CHAP.