Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

8 Of the Creamrer, and the Conditio1l CHAP. in, The Infinite Difoanc'e betwtlm God and 'the Crea!Urer, in refpeCI that he is the Mak.:r and Pre(erver of them : · In that alfo he is Eternal, and fo before they had being he dwelt alone in himfelf, andpojfe!Jed aU thingr in bim– .felfHe uthe high and lofty One,andh foSupreamlyEx. ' ceUent,ao it tranfcends aiJ other: His Name u Holy, and fo u above the Creaturer, and feparated from them.The true Name of Being ir proper only to God; the Creaturer are but the ~hadowrand AppHarancer of Being. IS AI. LVII. r ~· and LXVI. r, 2. For thus faith the hlg/1 and lofty One that inhabiteth Etemity, whofe Name i.s holy r I dwell in the high and holy place , with him alfo that i.s of a contrite and humble fpirit ; to revive the fpirit of the bumble, and to revive the beart of the coiltrite ones. Tbuo faith tbe Lord, the Hea?Jen i.s my Tbrone, and the Earth i.s my Footflool, where i.s the Houfe that ye build unto me ? And where is the place of nty reft? For allthofe things hatb mine hand made, and all thofo things have been, faith the Lord: But to this nzan will I look_, even to him that i.s poor and of a contrite fpirit, and tremb– lerh at my word. HERE is the highe!\ andthelowe!\ met dwelling together; the highell God, and the !owe!\ and poore!\ of his Creatures. The Prophet hadju!l in the Chapr.r afore, the 56th, verfe ult. fore– told a like wonder to this , the Wolf and the Lamb fhaO fted togrthrr; which in Chapt. 11. 6. is varied thus; Thr Wolf fbaO dweCwith the Lamb, and rhr Calf and theyoung Lion, (§c, which, if litterally underfiood, were a wonder ln Nature : But, behold~ a greater u hrrr: The high and l.jry 011e th,u in– habits Eternity, who(r Name is Holy, dwells with the finner, who is contritr and broken in heart for it. This is a wonder in Grace; or rather, The wonder ef Grace. · The Language, the WC!rds are pen'd in, is God's, and could be no other< for him: 1 he thoughts of the Creature could not have invented fuch a !lile w fpeak to him in; and God's fcope therein is by lifting up and exalting his own greatnefs above all Creamres, withal to difcover the he;gth and depth of hJS Grace in fo condefcending to the meanen of Creatures, than which, himfelf accounts nothing more his glory. As