Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

of their State by Creation. I J Fifthly, His Houfe isal~:ay•one and the farrie, and never harhahy decay,or ~i needs rhe leafi Reparanon many part of 1t: H1s Ere~mry 1s an 1mmurabiliry Ch•P· l• •nd uncha11gcablenefs.: He IS Jemp~r rd'tm ; b1s {lJlc ts always [ 1 am:] Acd ~ [l wr fJ br] Ebieh, that _is, al_ways the fame! .arid the Caufe of my own being. A:nd by rhis alfo hu Eternny IS dlfferenced trom the Creatures: All oLthem w , 1 x oldM agarment; and of tbemfelves they would do fo, did not God renew tlieir beirg every moment. The Angels woul~ wax old; as,·the Children of J(i·aels garments in the Wtldernefs d1_d not; but Jt ,was becaufe G9d perpe, tually Repr them as nc.w. But of God 1t follqws, Thou art the frmu, Pfal, 10 2. z7. and therefore us and our years he compareth to a Flood, P{al. 90.. 5•. tbat i• always runningand in fucceffion; but hiin to a Rock ofAges thatj/rmds (as the Phrafe in the Original isj Pfat. 102. 26,) immovrable. . . m. The hi,f,h and lofty One. • • • . .. .. . the highOnt] Forthe tranfcendency aod fupream excellency of bts Bemg: The lofty 011e J for the foveraigmy and dominion of it. Thrhigh] It is acommon Ttde given hiroin the Old and New Tefiament: ihe high Go.l; and the Lord on high; God mojl hrgh. Pfo.l. 83• ult•.The mojl High over->llthe Earth, And in the New [the Hrghejl] three times in one Chapt~r, Luke. r. . . . . . . . . . . . And to take the herght of h1m, let us lid\ take tnto conlident1<in the courf• ana way the Scripture (as condcfcending to our fenfe) ufeth; ro fer this forth by; which is lly a Comparative, and rihng up from orie degree to another; and it begins thus. 1, In rr[peff of ptact, which yet is the lowefi kind of height: And for thi~ take Eliphaz his fiaff in .7o6 22. 12. Behold the height of thr Sttlrs, hu'w hrgh they r1re! (How high is God then? fo rifeth he,) Is not God ill the height of tht Herwttu1 as it immediately follows thereupon. . . z. In dignit~ and do'minio11; lie is faid to be highrr thmi "" Nations on Earth, (which are in dignity exceeding, and rriore high. t_ha.nthe Stars) big. her t!J<m atl tht people-, Pfal. 99.2. whom (as elfewhere t1sfa1d) he rt~les rmd flilli at hi& plrafisre: AridPfah IIJ, 4• 5. The Lord iJ high ti6ovt aft Nati· ons. . . , . But yei you will fay, So .are Kings that are fet over the Nations: An~if youdo fuppofe bur one man to be Kmg of all the World (as the Roman Emperors once) it may befaid that he is highenban all the Nations. .. But thirdly, He is over all rbe Kings of the Earth; that's another ifceilt: He is hightr tliimthehighep, a11dtberearth'ighenhmtht_y; i.e. .who are between hirii and-the!1J', Etctef 'i· 8. Fdr he~< hrgher .than the highefl, and thrre 6t higher thmJ tbty. The [thry ] are the Rulers ofthis Earth, ( whom he there fpeaks of ;) and rhofe that arc higher than they are the Angels i Bur he is the highefi abfolutely, !ingulatly, higher tha.n the highefi, above the An· gels themfelve's: All Principalities and Powers, both mHeaven and Earth, they are under his feet. He is the 6/effid andonly Potentate, 11im.6. ' 'i.and fo inP[at. 91· g. Tho'u l:.rJrdart high above a/J.the Earth; it follows, Tbos · art exalttd above a/J the GodJ ;·M, Angels, whether good or bad, which the Heathens wodbippcd. . 4· To ihew the height and fuper-excellency ofhis Dignity and Domioion, h~ was pleafed to giv<>th'is demon!l:tarion; he did on purpofe build a place for h1mfclF, feparate from, and far a6ow all things elfe which he had rpade; and calls it hete, The higli and holy place, i.n this 57th Chaptrr.; and Heaven i< my Thron't, 1ii the 66thChapttr , and that is the highejl of Htavms, as a plac;e feparate; and a!)' 3J?httment for-himfelf to dwell .in after he had made Crea– tures, ~wtil ChriU_-, th'at \vas m.!'de'higher than the Heavens, piercrd (as the Phrafe lP Ht6r. 4· 1s) and broke up that feparate place,prtparedfromtbt foufJ– datroTJ of thr world; wh 'ch is to the refiof Heaven as the holy of hotieJ was to r_he other parts of the T<mple,~whi'ch the High Priefi only went into; which the Angels by the Law oftheir Creation, and right of their Creaturelbip, did not enj'ly as the fiifr place of their Habitation ; and in which, had the Angels that fell, been Inhabitants, they had oeverfaln: For as it is tbe high, fo the C 2 ~oly