Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

l'2 Of the Creaturer, and the Condition ~oly pi~ wherein the immutable glory of God fo fhineth, as would immut-;= BooK I. bly hsve fixed them in hdinefs unto God, that th.ey lhould never 1\ave depart· . ~ ed from him·. God's height, even as in refpea to this high place, is of<en fet oe~tthereby; as, that hc1s higha thmt the highefl Heaven: Pfal,t q, )• Hi& glory i& above the Heavens; who is like umo tht Lord who dwelleth on higli! . . . . . 'i. Let usrife one afcent yet lug~er ,which the <?ofpel a.ftords us, of the Man Jdus united perfonally to the Son of God, who IS gone Into Heaven , and is on rhe right hand of God: Angels, and AutiJOrities, and Powers being made f,ibj :a to hrm, as they arc fa1d to be 11nder htJ fut, Ephej.J. 21.• 22. and'who therdore is fa id by that perfonal Union to be "lade higher thmt the Heavens Hebr. 7. 26. and all this is fpoken of the Man.Jefus; for ~tis faid he was mad; 1 hus high : And yet lo ! how afore this high and lofty oile 1 he hunibleth him. fclf, I am a worm, which is lowerthan the foot!lool man treads on:' P[a/,22, j, 6. Thou '"t hotr, but I '!m a wlirm a11d 110 '!la11, '!hus he,fpeaks of, himfelf before he afcended, and d1d thus humble h1mfelf at. God's comman(l : And now when he is ofcended far above aft heavem, as Ephef. 4• to. He that de. jCfltded, i& the (.1me alfo that afcmded up far above att Heavrns, that he might fill all tbiugs; He·is yet but at,God's ngbt band; theThrorie is God's, who is' higher than this highefi, my Father is grl!ater than I. . . But •ll this bath been but a Comparative way of !hewing his Highnefs. 2. His being the high and lofty One, notes forth the tranftendency and fu. pcr·exccllency of hts 'Divi11e being it felf in it felf; and that it is utterly of another kind from Creatures, and indeed that it only is 6ting. ll) Pfal. 8~. tilt. Tbflt mm may know that thou, whofe name alone u JEHOVAH, /Jrt the MOST HIGH OVER alt the earth: He thereby argues his height from his N ame, tlut his Name is alone Jehovah, ~nd therefore he ismofl high, and in that very rtfpea,. Now J.ehovah, we know, is the Name of his Elfeilce [ 1 am;] and here it is that men may know that thou, whofe Name alone is Jtho– 'llah, art the mofi high; and therefore mofi high, in refpea, of fuch a glori· ous being as is proper alone unto him. In Ephe{. 4· 6. he is faid to be above alt, and yet to be through all; i.e. his Crea~rcs: His beingabove .,//,!hews the uanfcendency of his being, fpoken of feparate from all ours; not inter. communing with ours, nor intermingled, alth11ugh it is t:aid he is throttgh ati too; but as the Sun beams intermingle not wirh the Air, t!lough th~y 1hine thrnugh the Air, fonor doth God with Creatures. Here I might amplifie upon the glory of this his Title, ~bat he is ~he mofl H igh in refp<ll of his being, that he alone hath the Name Jebovah, as the Pjalmijl f.1ith, and alfo of being; that all the Creatures'are but the lhadow of being, but he only is: But I fuall defer it unto the Ufe.. · IV. Whofe Name i< Holy. , ·· Firfi; 'Tisa NamethatispropertoOod; tts Chrifl faith, Mat~h: '9· '7· There i6 tlotlt good 6ttt God, fo nor holy. He is feparate and alone in his holi· nefs, as he is alone in his being : And if he only be good, then much more is he only holy ; for holi[!efs is the h~ight anclperfeaion ef goodnefs; fo in man, sod (o in God. And Rev. 1). 4• you have it exprefs, Who oflly .u holy; aod the holy 011e, as elfewhere: Nowof all that could h3ve been faid, or attribu· ted to him, this fets up God the highefi, aod as mofi Sovetaign: And this; of all oth·ers, layeth us low, both as we are-Creatures, ,and 'i'a,s we are Sinners. 1-lolincfs is faid to be his dreadful Name. P('!Jl. ~g.t,j. 'rhe Lord u high above alt p(ople; it follows, Let them praife th.Ygr(at andterri6te Name, for it u holy; and that makes him high, And lignin, at tbe )!h Verfe, EJ!Ialt ye the Lord our God, mtd worjhip at hu foot(loqJ, •for he i< hqJY; nay, ·the 1 Margin varieth ir, hu foot(loot i& holy ; i.e. the ground he fets,his oa, Tire like you have in the gth Ver[e. < 1 .. · Secondly; This feparates him from the Creatures; for holinefs imports a fcparotioo, as 'ris in common applied to any thing, ,perfon, place, or ·time. Chrift was feparate from Sinners, made higher than tile ;Heavens; but God ro m Creatures. Thirdly;