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of their State by Creation. Thirdly; HolineCs is that whereby God aims at his own Glory, as the ~ Angels crv !hews in that 6th of lfmah, ver{e ~· Holy, holy, holy, the whole Chap. 3· Earth ;. filled with thy Glory; as bemg that wh1ch the Attribute of Holinefs ~ in him aims at from his Creatures: And that bemg the only Attribute mentioned when his Glory cloth there appear, Ver{e '· and is beheld by J{aiah and the Angels i this, and the fingle conjunction to Holinefs and Glory argued it. Now he being fa great a God, his defires of Glory fromthe Creature ar~ fa vafi and fo i.n.tenfive, as the Creatures cannot come up unto, nor fatisfie: for as Rom. 1. 2!. hath it; He would be glorified as God ·; which the Crea· iures cannot reach to the height of. Two Scriptures pu.f ;ogether do lhcw, this, Job '5· •5· Behold! he putteth no trufl ill hu Samtsu•tr~, the HetiVWJ are ttot clean ill hi< fight, and he means the Angels, who are called Heavens: And rhey are the good A11gels he means, is rnanifeft, 1hofe who have kept their ftation in Heaven; and yet all their holinefs, you fee, makes thern not dean in his pure .eyes: . Thus 1o6 4• 17, ,g, ShafJ, mortrzl man be more )ufl tha11 God1 shall a mrm ,be ·more .than hu Maker? Behold, .ht ptlt 110 trtifl i.11 hu fervants , tJIJdhis A11gels he charg-. ed with folly. We finners are unclean privatively, wanting that holinefs. we were created in; and pofitively d~fi'led; but the beft of his Creatures. are negatively not clean, becaufe they anfwer not , nor come up unto his immenfe defues of glory from rhem. He would have more, tl)ough it, cannot be had : But of this deficiet!CJ• and falling lhort of Creature Holmefs as io God, I lhall fpeak in the Ufe. V SE. ' . . To htlmbte ;•ou, M J~ots are Creatures, afore thu Majefly ~n high .: I would humble ye, I fay , as you are Creatures, as well as that· you arct {inners ; which latter, I know, you do every day: I do not fay; that you 2re to humble your felves as much fimply, tU yo11 are. Creatures, as· that ;•ou aro jinners, yet you are to do it 36 truly: It ino be an humbling qf our fe\ves, thu, though in another way, We humble our felves as finners by way of mourning and godly farrow; but this as Creatures, by way of feJf.emptinefs and fenfe of our own nothingnefs .and vanity. They are both in the Text ; he fpeaks of the humble, conridering thtmfclves as Crea– turts; and the contritt ones., asfi11ners: And God is therefore reprefented tirfi as The high mid lofty 01u illha!Jiting EteYIJity, to humble us M Crea– ltlres; and fecondly as holy, to humble us as linners, (though that will humble us as Creatures too :) I enforce this Ufe from this , that to teach you to humble your felves as Creatures, is a pitee of the Gofpd; and where you have the Gofpel fpoken of, there you have this alfo. As in lfai, 40. 5· the beginning of tl>e preaching of the Gofpel is prophecied of; The voiu of him that crieth in the witdernefs, &c, which was Job11 B ,,ptifls Mi• nifiry; and then follows the Prophecy of all the Apoftles preaching, which fuccecded Johll, 0 Sion, that bringeth good tidings, verle 9· Now among other things, what was it Jobn was to cry, and the Apoftle.s to preach 1 E– ven this, AUjit~Jilgra{t,f!!c, Verf. 6, 7, 8. Thevoicefaidcry : .andhe [aid what /hall I cry? All ftejh is grafs, and all the godlinefs thereof is M the flower of the field: The grafs withereth, the flower fadeth, /;e– ctzufo the Spirit of the Lord bloweth ttpon it ; jt1rely tbe People is grafs: The gra{s witheretb , the flower faJeth; lmt the word of our God fha/1 jlmzd for ever. Which the Apoftle Peter applyeth unto that very Word and Gofpel which was fpokeo by himfelf, and the other Apofifes, 1 Ptt. 1, zelt, But thf word of the Lord mdtwflhfortvtr: andthi< isthe word which 6y the Gof'pe! ts preached unto you. And and this was done by the reveal· 'i 11g of the glory of the Lord Chrijl, namely, d1fcovered in the Gnfp, J. lfai. 40. 5· And the glory of the Lord fbaO 6t revtaled: and all ~tjh fb.•ll fee it together: for tbe momb of the Lord bath {pokm it; Now obferve, that there is in that Ch..pter a fetting forth of God in his greatnefs, to' the end thus to lnunble the Creature , fuch as you have not in all the Scriptures. So