Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

• . Of the Creatures ,andthe Condition ~ ,md Lords mmry :)It is no fuch thing: So in like manner we may fay.of the BooK I. Creatures , There are Creatures many, that have the title of being , the · ~Name; yea,are{liled.A0th~11gs, in that following t6thVerf' ; yet in reality, and truth , they are Nothmg ; as, and afore God ; and humble ybur felves therefore tor your Idolatry, and too high valuatiOn ofyour felves ; All is as no. thing : This Parallel of our felves with Idols, in this refpeCl: to humble us, is not mine, but the Prophet Jf.>iah's,Chap. 41. ult, Behold, you are m nothing, and yotir works are nothi11g: He [peaks there of their Idols, They had made Gods for themfelves, and his intent and meaning is (thereby to humble them) as ifhe had faid ; Lo! here the Idols you make yom Gods, and give a Being to . fuch as fuch, are really nothing, though fiCl:itioully, in your imagination; made your Gods : Even fo your very felves, (though you affume, and arro. gate the Name of Being and Greatnefs to your felves ) your felves are nothing, if you be compared with the Great God, whofe Glory you corrupt, and turn into a lye in your fetting thofe Creatures like your [elves up for Gods : And his Speech is fimilar unto that of the P falmifl, ThfJ that made them , are like rmto them ; even {o Jjaiah here: They are Nothing, and you are No– ~~ .. O F