Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

OF THE C.R EATU RES, AND THE CONOI TION dF THEIR State byCreation. BOOK 11. Oftbe firrt E#ate ofMen and Angelr by their Creation~ What were the Laws and Rigbtt of Creation; and what was equitably due between the Creator and his Creature. Of the flate of the firfi Man Adam in Innocence, and what were hir Circumfiances in that his Primitive Con" dition. CHAP. I. What was the Ld!Pof Creation on God's part: It was but rPhat became aiul was worthy ofthe!!feat Creator to do allfor hio Creatures thatfuch aReligion required. Thio confijled i?z two things: Firft, To endori them with the Image ofHolinefs to qualifie them to attain their de– jigned End, which was to k_now, love, and enjoy fiim. Secondly, T!J conti11uehis goljdnefsandfavour to them; M long as .they continued in their Duty and Obedience. The Condition ofhotb Angels and Me11, bv· the Law oftheir (reation, conmlOlZ and equal, for Jubjia11ce. M Y Defign in this Difcourfe is, id the end, 1'o ma$ni/ie the Supercreatiii11 Grace of GO'D m Elecbon, and the Glory of Chnfl as" our Ffead, and a Saviour, which was to be revealed upon our fain Condition, though ordai>J0: 2 id ~ Chap. i . ~