Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

:24 Of the Creaturer, and the Condition --~----------~------- ~ 6, The Tenth, Thorz jhalt,1zot Lu(l, has a refpcctto the Angels; elfewhy BooK II. does Chrifl charge Lufl on the Devil, as his fin? Joh1l 8. 44• Tou are •f your ~Father the'Devzt, mu/the Lfl{ls of y·ot.r Father you will do, What are they but Pride, Envy, Hatred, Malice, ~c. And the good Angels, in Obedi– ence to this Command have a Love to the Saints; 0 'Da'!iel, greatly heloved, fays Gabriet, to that Prophet. Dan. 10.11. They have allo a zeal forthe Saints, and joy·in their converfion, Luke I). 7· But i_f tbey' fl10uld not h_ave the fame, Laws 10 all things, that we Men have, yet tt mufl needs be iatd, that they are under very many'Laws, that are given to u~ Men. Yet it is enough tor what I intend, that their Covemot by Creation ran upon the fame terms, that ours of works does; the tenor or terms of theLaw i.s the fame: So as tuppofe they had not altogether the fame Laws, yet they were under the fame fundamental Sanction of Punilhment, and Reward,Upon one fin , all their happynef~ was to be forfeited, as upon ours it was : Their Eflate was changed by.finnmg; as ours alfo was, · The fame Punifl1mcnts take hold upon them, though not the fame .bodily, as Death, unto whi~h the Angels are not obnoxious, for they can never dye; But what death Sp!Tits are capable of, we, and they undergo the fame : We <.vere both nlikecafl off from God; we were rxpePed paradife; They were throw11 dowtl out of Heavm i11to ReP; and at the Lafi Day, the fame Sen– tance lhall be pronounced againfl both, Go you cur(ed illlo Ev.rlaf/i11g fire, prepared for the 'Devil mtd his A•;gels; Matth. 25. 4 '·As in a State there may be different Laws, yea, variety of Pri viledges to Nobles, and others in a Kingdom, and yet the fundamental Maxims for Life, Death., and Forfeiiure,be the fame to them all, . They had alfo tl1e fame Mutability , that was in our Condition, and flood upon the fame ground, and terms , that we did: It was their being made out of nothing , and fo meer Creat.ures, as well as we, that was the caufe oftheir fall: So that we are fure, they flood as ticklilhly, as we ; no more Affiflance in their flate, and proportion than Adam in his. We are fure, that God took the Forfeiture upon one act of fin committed by the Angels that finned; for God jparrd 1101 the A11gels that fell, but threw them immediately to Hell as well as he doth us Men: Nor had they fuch an higl1 way of knowing God,' or the enjoyment of him; as it is the highefl Heavens, that might have kept them Infallibly from finning, for that Chrifl only hath brought up to behold Gods !ace in fuch a perfection of Righteoufnefs, 'liS ro exclude all fin acted, or the poffibility of it. CHAP.