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oftheir State by Creation. 33 tellmt Mimflr~, He6r. 8. 6. A j!,reater m1dmore perfect T.J/;e.nwcle , Hebr. ~ 9· 11 . And ewn in that Carnal way he proceeded by degrees: Firfl there was Chap. ~· but Altars; then a Tabernacle, then a Temple: And then again in that world-~ ly Temple, How was therefirflthat which was imperfect "! and then comes that wh1ch was holy and more perfect. Three Courts there were. The otJtw1,rd Cot~rt Ior the People, Rrv. 1 r. r. lefs glorious: The fecond Ior the Priefls, wherein was the Calldlejlick, and the Table, nnd the Shew-6rMd : And after the fecond Vail a third, The Holic(l "of all, He6r. g. 2, ~· 4, ~c. which hadthe goldm Cenfor, the Arkoverlaid with gold, wherein was the goldm Pot that had Manna, and the Cher116ims ofGlory: And this was emi– nently called, The Glory, the 'JYpe of Heavtn. And then, when God came indeed to erect the new World tmder the Go{pet, He6r. "i.. 4, 5· How flill doth he proceed from the more imperfell to what is perfect, e're he hath brought us to the height of all Perfection? Into how many Heavens, one after the o– ther, will he bring us? r. He makes a new Creation in his Peoples hearts, a new work there: fo 2 Cor. 5· •7· Old thmgs are pafl away, a/J things are 6ecomettew in a Belie· ver's heart; and this out of a Darkriefs, aChaos, i Cor. 4- 6. And i ly, Then he brings that new Creature into a tiew World of the Ordi· narices and T hings revealed and fitted to this tiew .Creator, Which are defer– vedly call'd, The ICmgdom of Heavm: Whereby a man is laid to have a being lift 11p to Heaven, (!ic. as Capemattm: And all the glory of·that Revelation inadc on Smtll, is called but Earth to this, which is truly a Heaven in compa– rifon of it, He6r. t1. 2~,26. yet this Heavm he will !hake as he did that Earth , and remove this Heavm as he did that Earth; fo He6r. 12. 26, 27. ahd bring his Elect into a1tew Heaven. New in comparifon to this now, Rev. 11. When as once again all is to b•come1tew, vu[. 4, 'i· And then after that lwwHeavnz and new Earth, where Righteoufnefl dwells ; the Epz{ltts of Paul and Peter tell us, tha! he will bring us into an Hn>Vm of Heavens, fo call'd, not in relation enly to natural Heavens, but fpiritual Heavens forego– ing it, which !hall be the End, the Perfection of all. And fo Rom. 6. 22. is i:all'd ..lA••. [from7"i•,perftcio] The E»d, the Perfection;, even as Chrifl: is cal– le~, The Entlof the La'!V, Rom. to. 4• And as the Law made nothing perfect but Chrifl:,fo even all thefe foregoing Heavens are(though in thcmfelves,fome of them comparatively tomhers foregoing, perfect, yet) compared to this lafl: and utmofl:, but imperfect, which is the Endof all. The fecond is, That in all thefe gradual R.eprefentations of his , he fo or· ders it, that the latter !hall flill exceed the former, and fo exceed, as the for– mer !hall hold no compari!on therewith; and therefore, the more of them we can find out, the better. Thus how did the World, ordered, garnifhed, and adorned, exceed the Chaos, which was Oarknefs and Glonfufton ? The fe– cond days work exceeded the firfl ; the third the v:ork <lf the fecond ? And as much did"thelittleWorld, Man, the Epitome of all the great World·, excel . all, fo as Heathens fl:ood aflonilhed at it. Blit infinitely more cloth Cbrifl, thefecondAdam, exccedthefirfl, I Cor.I)-4).46, 47·~c. ond his World , this of Adams; and likewi!e the Miniflration ofthe fecond Covenant, the Go· fpel '·that of the firfl:, the Law. That, 2 Cor, ~·to. It h.1d 110glory i11 com– prmfo11 of thu which exctlleth. And then the tuw Htavens, and the "'w Earth to come, will foexceed this Heaven, even this Kingdom of Heaven wa now, ortheSaintsenjoy, That the former jha/1 not 6e remembred, J(.1. 65. 17. And as tt was prophecied that the Ark :ind Service of the Temple, Jer, ~· r6, lhould be fo exceeded by the Gofpel, that it fhould be remembred nq more ; fo will the ttew Heavms exceed thefe, that all here llrall be remembred no more, nor come i11tomi1Jd. An expreffion, !hewing how much the former lhould be excelled by the latter; even fo much, that as it u(ct!L r.n iall out in things and objects eminently excelling , they fo fwallowup the mind, thnt all other things are not thought on, but forgotten, as if they hau never been. As the glory of the Sun puts out the glory of the Moon , fo {hall this exceed that former, that it !hall not come to mind . F N ow