Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

36 Of the Creatum, and the Condition ~----~~~~~~~ ~.----. Thus hath God ordained io bring us by fieps and degrees to that ParticipatiBooK I!. on of himfelf which Creatures are capable of: And in bringing us into his im– -~mediatePrefenceand Conjun6ion, to entertain us firl]; with lower, t]J 0 ugh all mo(\ glorious R.cprefemations of himfelf; even as Kings are wont"jt, do, in admitting Embafladors into their Prefence; fo God admits us, I. By Creatures <tnd Vifible Apparitions; i. In his Son revealed abfentin a G(afs; Then jly by his Sons own Pcrfonal Entertainment of us; Who 4lj", !hall deliver us up t~ God , _to enjoy God, as himfelf dotf1. . And as I have given a brief delineation thus of the Particulars; fo I will mak~ the like briefComparifon of them each with other. I~ Tf'we compare the fir(\ Branch of thatlafi Divifion given with the fatter how doth the latter way exceed it? For to fee God, and enjoy him, but i~ Cteatures, as .Ifdam did , and in the Ordinances and R.evelatio!)S of the Gof– pel, is as in a Glafs , and makes it at befl: but as an .!fecidental Happine(s as comparatively Divines calls it;· Tha.t only, of feeing God and Chrifl:, Fac~ to face, as in bimfelf, e!fentially, is the truefi happinefs. The one, is but the fhadow; the other, the Subfiance in which true Happinefs confills. But 2ly, more pmicularly the dillance between each of thefe four degrees is luch, that, r. All the knowledge which .lfdamhad ofGod in the Creatures the Law and Apparitions,was but as feeing one in his footfl:eps and fhadow,and in types and refemblances, as all thefe were Semltlm Speculi, zs was faid of old. · As in like manner were thefe Revelations under the Law; which were bui the j11,1dow, Hebr. ro.r, and not the Image. 2. That Knowledge by Re· velation in the Glaf~ of the Gofpel, in feeing Chrill therein, which IS faid to be the K11owledge of God i11 the Face of JejtU Chrifl, 2 Cor. 3· utt. and Chap. 4· 6, compared, as yet but as feeing the Image of one that is abfent in a Glafs, and fo but the R.eprefentation of him in his Son, who is his Image, and that but as.prefented in a Glafs abfent, which though nearer than the other, yet how remote from the real Communication of himfelf! 3 . That after this Life ended, till after the Day of Judgment, will be but the enjoying God more eminently in his Son, who is not abfeot any more, but P,erfonally prefent in his Glory, ThrJt they may fee my Glory, Johll 17. 24, Whicll adds infinitely to both the former, and is the feeing and enjoying the St~b{laiJce of that Image of God, the Image only of wh1Fh we here enjoy: It is to view face to f ace the 6rightuefs of God's Glory jhi11i11g in Chrifl, of which but the glimpfe or reflection we here could fee. But then 4ly, To behold that Glory as in it felf, and as this his Son," that before re·prefcnted it to us himfclf, fees it; and for God himfelf to be his own Prefenter of himfclf, will infinitely yet more tranfcend. ' And thus each of thefe are to what fucceed them , but as perfe8i6ilia ati ptrfr8ivttm; as greund-works and foundations laid for the other fiill to perfect them, and fwallow them up: That fiill , as that which is more perfect, fuc– ceeds that which was before (and in comparifon thereunto, was but imperfect) is done away. And as the Knowledge of God in the Creatures is fwallowed up, and vanilheth, ?sit were, in the P~efence.of God in Chrifi_ prefented in the Gofpol , and fo mdeed would .lfdnms certamly have done, 1f Chrifi had been propounded to h1m, And fo cloth all Old Tefiament knowledge of God vanifh before this fame, as the Sbadow, as Coloff.t..r], or as the morning"Star, as 2 Prt. 1.19. when the Sun appears: So will, much more, this of Chrifi now be [wallowed up, and vanifh afore the enjoyment of God in Chrill, in his Glory and his Kingdom. And fo the Apollle tells us, That K11owledge a11d Prophay /halt aa{e and fait; and this that is 6ttl ;,. part, /ball 6e do11e a– w ay, 1l.or, q. Andfoinlikemanner, thefameApofiletellsus, r ( or. I)· That the Kingdom, or Eminency of Chrill himfelf, !hall in comparifon ceDfe, and be given up to the Prtfence of his Father, When God /ball be afl i11 all. 1 Cor. 15. 24, 2), 26, 27, 28. Then comah thrend, whrn he/hall havr delivt· red