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of their State by Creation. 37 rtdtip the Kingdom to God, evm tht Father, whttJ he Jhall havt pM iiow 11 rw1 alt Rule, mJd att Authority, andPowtr; For he mufl rng", 11/t he bath Chop.4· put all Enemits •mdtr hi&fut: Thelafl Ertem~ that/halt be de(froyd is Dtath. ~ For he h:zth putalt thhtgs tmdtr hts feet: but whm he faith, at! thi11gs are put tmder htm, it is manijef/ that ht ts txcepted, which did put all thi11gs under him. And whm alt thmgs /halt be jtJbdtud tmto htm, thm jbalt the So11 aljo himf'rlf be fubjeEf ullto htrn that put att thi~tgs under him, that God may6e at! itt at/. CH A P. IV. Containing a jbort View of the Happinefr of Adam'I Condition. A 'D AM's bell Eftate was but a Type and Shadow of that which Chrifi was to bring in, and according to the Law end _proportion of that Type , an excelling difference muft needs be 10 the latter above the former. Let us but confider the height and true elevation of his fl:i.te; limply and plainly, what it was in it Ielf, without confidering it as a Shadow or Type of the fiate of Grace by Chrifl, and it will appear, how lhort, and low , acd mean his Condition was, in comparifon of what even the !late of Grace, now under the Gofpel, brings us into, and makes us the Subjeds of, Many things are written concerning the Image of God in A dam, both in– ternal in Holinef• and Righteoufnefs, and in Knowledge, C!ic. ·as alfo external, in dominion over the works of God's hands. My fcope is only fo to fpcak of thefe things, as may ferve to the Illuflration ofChrift, and our eflatc of Grace and Glory by him. The ble!fed Condition that Adamwas created in, and efiatcd into in Para– dife, is, in the general •pprehen~ons of all men, made the Objetl of their Envy, and conceived to have been fuch, as their hearts !mow not how to de– fire a happier: And ordinarily we can fiill fcarce think of it as loft, but with a fecret kind of regret, that it did fo unhappily fall out, that Adam, and we in him, lhould fall from it; and, like great mens Heirs, be di~nherited for their Father's Treafon, we ufe to fay within our felves, 0, what melljbotJidwe h:zve hen, if Adam hadttotjimud! To give therefore a fmall tafl of this Happinefs of Ad,Jm: No fooner did he open his eyes, but he faw himfc!f moft happy. He had a World abou~ him new made, and in its frefhnefs and be(! hue, and fur– nifht with all forts of Creatures, and all of them fuited to his Body, (the Epitome of them all) and to his Senfes, as well inward as outward, (o to e– ft ate him in the fulnefs of all Contentment, And he wa• made the Center of all the goodnefs that was in thofe Creatures; unto whom each of them, as un– to their Lord; was fitted to pay a Tribute of comfort : So fuited "·as this little and great World together. There was not a defire could arife in him, but fomerhing or other he might find, to fatisfie it; not was there a Creature, in the Univerfc, towords which he might not find fomething in himfdf to be well pleafed in it. God having placed the World in Man's heart, ss Man in the World. And for this fir{\ Man, God feared him in a Garden planted by l1imfclf, in the richefi and moft pleafant Soil in the World, Edm, ne~r B.J· 6y!o11, os the Court and Royal Seat of th,e King of this great World. A Gar– den, of all Nature's pleafures, the moll delightfl11, (and therefore afrccted fo by