Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

of their State byCreation , 39 Now to prefent miflal~es, and to clear my meaning , that I be not mif- un- ~ dc r!lood in cafling Adams Condition thus low, I Premife thefe two Cauti- <..-haP· l· ......-y--...J oos. r. My )!leaning is not, as if his Condition did not then afford h im a more fenlible, con!lant fclicity,and amore atl:ual quiet eafe and contentment, than a Believ.ers in any con!lant way cloth, noW under the Eflate of Grace: Which falls opt fo to ·them, becaufe their Happinefs is difadvantaged by two t hings ( wly.itever elfc there may be) by which his was not. As , · .1 • From the anoyance of outward Affictl:ions from Men and the Creatures, and the Cboflifements from God for Sin : In which refpetl: , our Condition now is rendred more miferable than other Mens, and much more than Adam's, who had a fulnefs of contentment in God, and all the Creatures, and a per– fect freedom from all miferits whatever. 2In that, even that fellow!hipa Believer, bath with God and Cbri!l, (which iliould counterpoize tbefe outward miferies, ) is for the degrees of it, fo im– pertect, and allayed with the contrary admixture of ignorance, unbelief,guilr, and di!lrefs, and fo often interrupted by thefe, that it cannot be fuppofed al– waies to bring in that full and conftant happinefs, and the enjoyment of con· • tentment, that Adam's Fellowlbip with God did; which was lincere, with– out any fuch admixture, or privative imperfetl:ion, and was ordained to rife to a full perfetl:ion in its own Sphere, and was ever con!lant and uninterrup– ted, whilfl he Sinned not : God not having ordained the State of Grace to give us that quiernefs, and fecurity, and contentment, in a con!lant way here, hath left it on purpofe thus imperle8:, that fo we might rather breath after that blifs to come, whereof this is to be but the taft and ear– ne!\. Yet fo, as, ( z. ) If the way and manner ofAdam's knowing and enjoying God (though in its kind compleat) be compared with the way and manner of our knowing and enjoying God, thus imperfect ; this of ours is unfpeakably more divine, heavenly, glorious, and furpaffing; and his more low, and Earthly, So that now, would we make a fHppo!ition (as for this purpofe in hand we may) That a Believers knowledge and enjoyment of God, were but compleat– ed and filled up, though but within its own Sphere, without the addition of Glory and the Beatifical Vilion of God; ( fo it be , without this mixture of Sin and Miferies, which are the Punilhment of Sin ; ) and it would render us infi– nitely more happy , and more replcat with glorious- contentment, than ever entred into Adam's heart ; and would makethisli:ftate of Grace below, a Hea– ven , .in comparifon of his Paradifc, CHAP.