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of their State by Creation. lOJ CHAP. XI. ~ Chap.iJ, ~ What amore gloriom Condition then was Adam't in Inno– cence, Chrift will raife m up unto, proved in the loweft Inftance of it, viz. the glory our Bodies Jhall have at the Refurreelion. Wherein that glory jhall con[iff. A Comparifon between that glory UHr Bodies jhall then poffeft·, and what Adam's bad i11 Paradife : And in what refpcel ours {hallfor excel M. THE third thing th~t I am to handle is this , to 1hew you tha~ our bodj~, lhall be conformed to Jefus Chrifi's body , that as we have born the Image of the earthly, ( which we all do in the bodies which now have ) fo we lhnU bear the Image of the heavenly : for fo the Apofile reafoneth, veYft 49· For the Apofiles fcqpe in thefe Words is to argue that there is a fpiritual boc!y which the Saints Jhall have in the other World after the Refurrection; and he argueth it from this,becaufe that Chrifi, who is our Head, belhall havq fpiritual body; and he argueth that Cbrifr lhall have a fpiritu; l J;Jody, by comparingAdam's body and ChrHl's together. At/am, he faith, was Chrifi's Type and Shadow, and therefore by way of e• minency, if Adamwas a living foul, that is, had a reafonable foul that dwelt in a body of Clay, wi)ieh advanced it to fuch a dignity as all this World was made for it; then,faith he,Chrifi he fball be a quickning Spirit ; that is,he fhall have the Godhead to dwellin him , and quicken the Human Nature , and raife it up in a proportion to a highel' degree of glory, than the reafonable foul of .Adam raifed up his body unto. And havmg proved this, he argueth from thence, that our bod~es lhall be like unto Chrifi's: Why ? becaufe thofe two were rwo common Perfons and Roots of Mankind, and they were 10 propagate the like condition, the li~~ fiate and qualification that fbould be in either of them, to thofe thatfuould come of them : As i& the taYthy (faith he) (name– ly Adam) Ju<h {Jrt thn{t that aye earthy; and as is the heavenly (namely Chrifi, lht LoYd from Heavm) fuch aYt they alfo that an heave11ly; a11d as wtha11#/;orntheimage of the eaYthly, weji;aiJ alfo btar the imagt of the heavmly. This, lfay, IS the Apoftle's fcope; his fcope is not fo much to bole! forth the !late cf Adam's foul, taking it as having the Image of God up– on it, having communion with God (for that is held forth fufliciently and a– bundan!ly in other Scriptures) but rat.her to compare that Animal condition,, that fiate thatthisfoulhadin this body, as it wasfuited to earthly things, as it was a l.iving foul, quickningand giving life to an earthly body, p~rtaking of all the comforts of r.ijings here below; to compare, I fay, the ftateof ~nis body, .and ~)lis foulliviQgin it, with the fiateof that glorified bo– dy whichJ~us Ch_rifi bath in Heaven, and which he will raife up our bodies unt.o a-t la.tter Day. That I may difiinaly cxprefs lilY felf to all your appre– henfi<ins •.let me fay this in a word : Adam, you fee, here is made a T ype qf C hrifi; lm Condit.ion wherein he was created, it is a Type 0 r a Shadow of that glorious Cenditioo that ChriO: will r)life up his Members to. Now th~ glory of Heaven lies i!l two things, and the happinefs of Adam lay in two thing•, whereof the one anfwereth the other, The glory of Heaven doth lye tirO: in thatimmediat_e communion with, and vifion of the Godhead which tn~ foul hath, a~cl whed1er it bath th.e body about it, or no, it would have; for,. f1ith Pm1l, when he was wrapt up into the third Heavens , in J, WhetheY