Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

of theirStatebyCreation. I I I and Chri(l for our bodies , m the other World; And thtretore that God that ~ made this ordination, he that hath raifed up Chri(\ already, and given him a Chap. 11. · Sp.rimal body, he will uife us up too, rhat fo we being ordained one for a-~ nother, our bodies may be for him, and his body for us. Secondly, Others give this interpretation, That the Apofiles argument again(\ rhefe Jufis, is grounded upon the Rcfurreel:ion; becaufe your bodies 1ball be one day raifed up again , therefore do not thus abufc them. But it is clear, that the reafon here given why God doth raife up our bodies,as he lmh raifed up Chriils body, is becaufe he had fir(\ ordained in his decree, the body for thf Lord, tmd ihe Lord for the 6ody. Hence therefore, my Brethren, Chri!h Human. Nature being Spiritualized, and the fame Spirit th•t dweller:, in him, dwelling m us, railing up our bodies and Human Natures, and fo Spiritualizing them, there will be fome way whereby the body will be refrelh– ed in and by the Lord Jefus Chri(\; The 6ody is made for Chn(l, faith he,and Chrijf for the body; even as here in this life, the World is made for our bodies, and our bodies for the World, to take in Comforts from it. If you ask me how this !hall bel Truly I fay only, we !hall be conformed to the glorious bo– dy of Chriil thus, and Spiritualized,by that power that hath fubdued all things. It is Catvi?ts faying upon the Text, God hath fittedatld fuited his Sott for tu; The 6odyu for the Lord, and the Lord for the 6ody. Now do but think with your felves, how happy we, in Heaven, thall be, when as our bodies, having new Spiritualized qualities put upon·ail the parts of them, (which we know not what they will be fuited to, nor how) and when as all things in Heaven, the Human Namrc of Chrilt in an eminent manner, the Angels and all things here ( bemg all Spiritual) !hall be fuitcd to thefe Spiritual bodies, ·for us to have comlort and happines from them fome way or other. I will give you but one other !'lace of Scripture for this, it is i~ Tj.1l. '7·t:!t, Whm I awake, 1 jha!J 6e (atisfiedwith thuu Image. He fpeaks there of the RefurreCl:ion; he calls it"" awaki11g, for you know death is called ,, /lcep; Thofe that artajleepi1!theLord, fha/1 rife firfl. He had fpoken bctore of thofe that had put tl1eir happinefs in the Comforts of this l!fe, fl1itable to their bodies, to the animal State of their bodies; that's clear by the 14th verfe, 'Ddiver me from the Men that are thine hand, 0 Lord; wbo have their Portion i11 this life, who[e 6e!Jy thou fi!le(l with thy Treafm·e; th') are fit!/ of Childrm and leave to them otllward thi11gs, bodily things: But M forme (faith he, ) I wi!J beholdthy face ilt the righteou(iu(s (there is rhe Vi!ion of God, which is his happinefs in his Soul) rmd I jh z!J be {:Jti!{ied when I awake (when I arife again) with thiue lm~ge. It is not the Image of God only upon himfelfthat he means here; Why? Becaufe that dorh nor fo- . tisfie a holy heart; but it is that Image of the invifible God which the Humaa Nature of Jefus Chriil is, who in oppolition to all thefe outward pleafures, will be all in all to us, he is a Spiritual Creature, his Human Nature is Spin– tualized, made glorious, and our bod ies tba/1 be made Spiritual likewife; The 6ody 1< madr for the Lord, rmd the Lord for the 6ody, and this when they are both nifed up: Chri!l is raifed up already, and becaufc he !11th ordJined the one to be ferviceable to the other, he will alfo raife up our bodies : And when he dprh raife me up, faith 'David, though other Men have the-ir bellies full here, and have animal pleafures rhey delight in; ;·et when I 01all awnl<e at latter day, and fl1all fee this Image of thine, O~all fee thy Son, I {hall be fatilfied. Whm !awake, IjhalJ6r fatisfitdwitb tbi11e lmagr. Thus you fee what a glorious'fiate Gael would raife up our bodies unto at the Refurrellion, All this bath been faid to this puipofc, to comp"e A– dam's body, that had a world made for the animal fiate of it, and our bodies . as they lhall be at latter day, when they 010ll be made fpiritull bodres, and havo