Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the Creatures, and the Condition ~ the glory of Heaven put upon it, that glory would have funk him it BooK 11. would have kill'd him, Now, the Saints, at latter day, fhall not ~nly ~ have bodies immortal, hut incorruptible; that is, they lhall have bodies which {hall be fubject to no alteration; they lhall have no expenfe of fpirits, though they lhall be impioyed about the higilefr Objects. The Angels; they ~re not only immortal , but they are incorruptible, and they are ~ble unweariedly aCl:1ve day and night, without an~ expenfe of fpirits, for to fervc God; fo lhall the Samts hkew1fe be m Heaven. Mofcs was in the M)UOt (and he was a Type. of C~rill: , and of us therein ) forty days, and m all that t1me he neither d1d eat nor drink he had no · repair , be had a glory upon him , and he had for tha~ time an incorruptiblenefs upon him, for his eye was qot weary with feeing, nor his ear of hearing : His eye waxed not dim , no not when he was old, much lefs when upon the Mount. fncorruptiblenefs there· fore is this, a continual vigour, fuch as is fubjeCl: tlil no alteration what· foever. In Revel, 7• 1). he faith, That they /hall forve God d'!J! a11d 11 ight, ( as the Angels do) aiJd they {h,111 hrmger tJo more, tJeither thir.ft any more, 11either /hall the Stm light on them, nor at!Y heat. The meaning is, they fhall fuffer from norhing. There is, 1. No wearinefs for they relt not day or· night : 2, There is no mifery, fo~ all tear; jha116e wiped from their ryes, verle 17. There is, 3· No need of re– pairing of fpirits, for tbty {hall hu11ger 110 more, m ither thirfl auy morr, 4· There is no injury from any thing without , for the Sun /hall not light o11 them to hurt them, 11or any heat. And although this place is meant (as our beft Interpreters have lhewn) of the ll:ate of the world to come, I mean of the Kingdom of Chrift, and fo may fall lhort of the glory of Hea~en, yet it !peaks in the language of Heaven, and is an al– lulion to it, and Heaven mull: needs be a higher and more glorious Con– dition. My Brethren , I take it there is tillS difference between the bo– dies of wicked men in Hell, and the bodies of the·Saints in Heaven : It's true , they arc both immortal ; but yet the bodies of wicked men , they arc corruptible, they do not put on incorruption , that is, they are fub– ject to all forts of pa!lions and of miferies, and fire can burn them ; and therefore let us take heed of Hell ; they are as fenfible of all forts of mi– feries as now, only the power of God upholds them that they are im– mortal. But now the Saints, their bodies lhall not only put on immorta– lity, but incorruption too. Adam's body, it was fubject to Corruption in thi5 Senfe, it was fubject to expenfe of fpirits, to wearinefs , to fenfe from outward things, though he might be protected by the Providence of God from fuch injuries as might any way hinder his happinefs; but our bodies fi1all wholly put on incorfuption, And fo now that's a third thing, wherein I compare the ll:ate of Adam's body at bell:, with that ll:ate and condition the bodies of the Saints lhall have after the Refurrection. ' I fuall give you a fourth , which , I eonfefs , might be implied in t.he other , and that is , Immortality. l lhewed you ', when I opened rh.c. perfections and State of Adam's Body, that indeed his Body was im– mo.rtal, that's clear; for death came in only J,y fot, as appears in Rom, )• 12. and Rom. 8. ro, 11. Whertfore, as by Olle Mmtjill mtred mto the WorId, alld death by fi" : mtd fo death paffid 11pon a/J Mm, for that aft h~'Ye finned..And if Cbrifl be i11 yott, the Body is dead, brcmt[e offin: Bttt the spirit u life, becau(e ·of Righteoujitejs. Bttt if. the Spirit of him tha~ raJ(td up Jeftu from thr dwd , dwell ittyot< : He that raifed ut. Chrijl from the dead, jhalt alfo quicken your mortal Bpdirs, by hiJ. Sp:– rit that dwelleth in you, But yet , let me tell you thi~, That though , Admih body was Immortal yet it could have died, it had a principle in it that tended unto death. Now, in oppofition to this, to tlww you that his Immortality is but a lhadow of that that the Saints fitall have at lar-. tcr day, do but look Luke 20. 3>• They which fhcz/J be accou11ted worthy~o obtam