Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

THE CONTENTSo BO 0 K I. W Eltrein u provedthe tuceJli!J of flit Eldl:o11 Grace, t(a· 11) of the Ratioual C.·ta– IIJYes 6e certainly j,tved: /IJJdthat God bath m.-ule alJ Elt– [1Jo11 of fomt o~tt of pure Grace, prov'd /;y threvmt, out of lht Sto– ries of all Times, zhroughout the Old and New Trflamtllt, Chap. I. The tzec~(/ity of a11 Elrlfio1t, or Suptr-crtatro11Graa, rf either .Augtls or Mm, (whether fa!tt or or tmfa/JJ) bt etrtai11fy or Jecttre!J faved, ibid. Chap. 2, That thtre is an E/e{/iotJ of Gract, with a Non-elelfion orpaj~ fing byothtrs. Th.1t diffire~zce to be out of tht pttre gract and good p/UJfure of God. Which pttrpofe of Elelfio11, is the cafl(e of their e!Jelfual Calling tmd Salvatiou, I 2 Chap. ~- That De faCto, God bath mnde nn Etetlion cif fomt out of purt gract, with t1 Nort-tlelfi01: of others; proved 6y the Story of nil Agts of the World, through the Old nnd New 1rflamtut. o3 Chap. 4· The lnfiance of Noah , and hu lmug javed in an Ark, aud God's Cowt:am made with him prov't! mo•·e lmgd)· and fully to bt a g•·e.u Ex ,zmp/,zr rwd T)pi– c.>l Reprejmtatirm of Eldrton,a>:d tht Covmant of' Grace. 37 Sed. 1. Of Elelfiott, aud I he Cove– nmzt of Gra<e; rmd tbe Cburch:of .– the Nrw Teji,nnmt; the Su 'ju1cf both; ,.. typzfied forth itt Noah's Story. That Noah iu hu own per– fan WM itttmded M an ex.zmplt of' Elelftou, tht Covmauts made with him 6tfore the flood, and with him m1d his Sous aftrr, wert 7jper ofthe Covmmzt r,fGrace: 'Proved i11 a 'Difwurfeonlfai. 54· 7,8,9, ro, I!, ~8 SeCt.2. The /lppticatiou made by God bimfe!f" of Nonh·s' Covmant,to rx– empltjie and cn11firr.• hu Covmam of Gr,ICe; a6 1/ iJ in Ifai. 5"4·9· 5 I SeCt,~- A more particuf,lr explica– tio11, 6oth ofthe 'Phra{eolog,·, M ·m· 11er of Sprech, mtd M atter in the 9th Verjr, cou(ir1.i11g theforegoi11g lnterpretatiou. 6r SeCt. 4· Some (prciat pm·ticulrlr 'Pa– ra/Je!s 6etwew wbot ii jo11ud i11 No.ah's Cov(luwt,mJdtheCovm.wt of (;r,Ict. 64 SeCt.). Howth"e Sto>-y of Noah WM a Tj-pt of tht Mediator of the Co– Vmr11It of" Grace, Chr:fl which was the .Ark 74 BOOK