Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Contents. BOOK IJ. OF the order of God'sVccrees a– bout Man's Efe{ho11 mtd Re– probatiott, Of the end to whtch · •we art ordained ; ·A fupernatura! Vnion with God, and Communica– tio11 of hzmftlf The Infinity of Grace dzj'co'IJfred therein. 79 Chap. 1, That God had a refPtlltm– to Mrm ( co11(idered) a; tmfatn iu hiufd:lio11 ofhim unto the Etzd,mtd alfo uttlo Ma11 M fain into fin in hu Decrees to the Means. ibid. Chap. 2. A brief drrmght of the Or– der of Chrifl's ElefJio11 and ours; 44 it lies reprefmted i" the Scrip– /tire. 8g Chap. ~· That the fupream, and 111· mofl md, or termznatiou of Etefli– on (as it refpeUs m) " Godschoo– jit~g"' :o him}elf, and to a fuper1/aturat Vnioll with him(t!J; 11nd Commu111cation of himfet[. Proved frmnCor. 8. 6. 9) Chap. 4• That ottr VTJio" with God the Father, and Chrif/, i4 the ut– mofl md of our EleUton, further proved, in an Interpretation of /t· veral PajfagtJ of Chrifl's Prayer, in the fevtntmtth Chapttr of John. 102 Chap. S· The l11jinity of Grace mtd Conde(cention iTJ God, The High and Lofty One, to ordain fuch an V11io11 a11d Commmtio11 with him– frlf, of Ur hu Crtatures, who are at [tich a dzflmzce from him a; we CreaturtJ; and more thm dotl6/yi>z{initt Grace, i11 that we are alf• Sinmrs. 1 I I Chap. 6. The primordial orjotmdati– ott motives itt the Heart of God, thrtt moved him to ajfeD, defign, mzd decrtt fo hzgh au Vmon of Creatttrts with btm{elj;as thty art exprej{edit~ Cbrifl's 'Pra:~er, John 17. The [irfl Motive was to malli– fefl m1d decl,Jre God's Name, and to illttf/rate hwgrace aiid mercy to tht fom of mm. 121 Chap. 7· The 01mu{s and l11timacy ofCommzmio11 which the Fathrr, (;j SotJ, and Holy Ghofl, had and havt among[! themfelves , was an Ori– giuat and Primordial Molivt of God's ordai11i11g 1U tmto V11J011 a11d Commu11io11 with him{df. !26 Sed. 1. The fecond Motive itt God's Htart, draw11fromthe Vni01ttmd Commuuion of Three Perfmu rn the Tri11ity, branched imo 'Jwo Particulars: Tht firfl u , That thtir Vnio11 in Ejfence or 1htir common mjoymwt of one m1d the fame GodhUJd, did move them to make Creatttrts P artakers of {itch munjoymmt, asf,~r as they could p~[Ji61~ 6t capablt of it. 'le> Sed. 2, The jtco11d fori or Branch of the Motive in the Three Perfons. The mutual itttercourft and focitty which as Ptr{ons they havt, and had one with another; mtd the fweettu}J of that Convtrft, war 011 induceme11t to them to ordain Crta· tures to 6t takm 11p into the like Communi011 with themftlves. Thw I foteHd upoll John q. 21, 140 BOOK