Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Content!. B0 0 K III. ""T" He lnfinity of Graa is Gods j choo/iflf, <M, proved from the N.llure of Elfctio11 6oth/imply con· fidn·ed tn i'sfelf, tmda!jocompa– ,.dWith thut other Ac1 of Repro6atioJI. 121 Chap. 1. The Grace of eltC!ing Uf jimply conjidertd, and thegrtatne(I vf rt pruv'd from the gYfatntfl of the Benefit. ibid. Chap. 2. The lnji11ity of Grace in Gud's t!eC!i11g '", dtji:overed 6y ,, Comprm[o11 of it with the otbtr Ac1 of Reprobattofl. .The vaf! de– jpanty 6ftWWJ Elec1Jon and thl grotmds rmd i[filf thereof, a11d the A C!of RejeC!ioiJ of others,rmdthe gromJ(/s rwd i.ffue thereof "4 Cl1.1 p. l· The ln(i11ity of Grace in e– leC!wg "' , further evinced f?y a Comprwative made in rtj'peC! U1Jio the 'f'erfoas rtfufed and elec1ed, as conjidn·ed ifl thr common Cot1ditio11 of 6oth, a11d thl Circumflm•ces which 6oth fland in. nf their firfl Conditio11 in tht po.ffi6ility bf. fore tht Crtation, as thm viewtd 6y God, rrprejtnted i11 bis lnji11ite Mind, tht EltC! were feparatfd from thl others rejeC!ed. 'l4 Chap. 4· Of tbe commo11 Conditio11 of the Elec1, and rejec1ed;,. the faht ef/att of Mankind. The ln(i11ity of Grace towardtht Grace magni– fied 6y thl conjideration of thtir being fegregated out of that gttte· rat corrrtpt Majf, wherei11 they /cry eqt~alty with others: Gods In– finite Grace ill choofing <M alfo dtf– coverfd 6y the vaf! drfpt·oportioll of Number 6etwttn the EleC! a11d theRe/f. 139 Chap. )· Tht l!Jfinill Gract of God in Elecfio11, i11 a view of the par" ticul"r Cond;tiOII of Eldr and Q. thers co>npa~ed, ' '4~ Chap. 6. Th, Grtta of Eldho" iJ/u. jlraud iu o:u Pa,·ttCtli,lr; th~ mojf emintnl demonf/rlltion of it : viz. 'lJijcrimi11atrng Grt~ce; as 6y God's dfjign it appears ill God's drfp,njallous towa;·ds , rmd the differfnceput 6etween'Umporaries hrghly m lighned /;y the Gojpei,a11d hu Eldl whom he i11vinci6!yfavts. '56 Chap. 7· A brief ExpofitiotJ of the Epijlle of J ude, by way of co11jir– matio11 of the precedmt 'DoC!rine; That God's drjcrimi11ating Grace appMrs in the vafl difference he pttts between eulightned Tempora– ries, tmd hu EleC!,th,lf ftrf•vere; with Vfes and 'DireC!rons proper to ehe DoC!rit-Je, out ofthat Epiflle. J67 Sed. ' . The ftrjl part of the E>:pofiti– onof Judo's Eptj/le, wherein u de– moliflrated God's difcriminating Grace, M it apptars i11 the vajt differmct God doth put 6etwem enlightntd Temporaries that jatt aw,,y , m1d his Eldl he doth in Chrijl preforve. 171 Sed, 2. The difcrimillating Grace of EleC!ion, as it appearJ in tht drf– frrmct God puts. 6ttwun Tempo– raries, afld tho(e whom he finally Pre{erves, further iltu(lrated in an Expojitioll of the otber part of Jude's Epiflle ; wherein are drf covered the differnrt Fotmtai11s a11d Caufts i11 God's Heart of our Salvation , 6oth Original and ContimJtd. x36 BOOK