Of Elellion. ly to do with Satan about the ruli~g of this World : Agreatdealofwork r.....A.r\ to overthrow Satan's defigns therem : And both in that too, and which Chap. 14. is for our fakes, in this odter of his Alfaults upon us, f§c. Chriit expo- ~ feth himfelf to a kind of Tryal with him, upon multitudes of occafions . that is, trie.s it out with .him: Becaufe Satan will !\ill be medling , and oppofeing h1m, and puttln)$ 1t to the vye , who lhall carry it and prevail; Sa/all, the Prina of the .Air, the God of this World ; or he the King .of Saints, .and .Lord of Lords: C~riit difputes every inch of Ground he wms from hmt, m our Hearts, and m the World. I have fpoken this to the end, that if Chrift, not only when he was on Earth, but riow he is in Heaven, hath, and bath had fo much to do with him , then may yQu comfort, and quiet your felves, though you continue to be exercifed with him , in fore vexations whilft on Earth : For now it is that your turn is come of fufferings , to bear your part on Earth, ( after Chriit had fir!l: gone through his upon li:ar th ; ) as a fulfilling the after fufferings of Chri!t , and fince now, whilft in Heaven , he is fiill exercifed thus ; and is fain to wait till this his enemy be actually , and de {atfo , perfeCtly fubdued, and made his foodtool: We lhould then be heartned under them, and againfi them, expecting that happy Hfue, which Chri!l: himfelf dotb. CHAP.