Of EleElion. the Rules and Principles of the State of Grace) and fo as m the end lo 6ring~ forth .7udgmellt u11to viflo•y. ' ~hap. 1 ~. And to that end~· H otakes fpecial car~ of ortr {ut, our Jlept , andgoi 11 gs, ~ ' Sam. 2, 9· He wtlt kup the feet of hi! S,lmts. And whoever will unde,... take to keep himfelf (as it follows ) by his own !lrength he !hall not prevail. Our Saviour Chri!l when he wano go out of this World; John q. r. ( and then at death we .fhew what our careswwards thofe we love, are mo[\ upon) he !hewed h1s greate!l care to be of tillS. He would needs make that one of his !aft deeds,towath his Difciples feet ,I! trf. s. The mi!lery whereofhe gives,Vtrf; 10. He tha!_" wajhed netdeth 11ot •fave to wofh hit fret, for beingju!lified by the blood of Chrifr ( which is termed a wajhmg, 1 Cor.6. t 1, and is total and at once) all the need and care that now remains is to preferve and keep a Man's !leps and walkings, to keep him holy. And again, Chri!\ in his la!\ prayer, 1ohn 17. 1)·thews this was ·his cue; It is one of his great requefrs , to keep them from the evil of tht World; namely (as the words afore thew) from finning as they of the World do fin. . Likewife Pjal, 37- 23. it is faid (which thews Gods eminent care herein) That the j/eps of a good Man art ordtred 6y the Lord: And the Lord delighteth inhis way : The latter is a reafon of the former , that becaufe God loves their perfons and fo defires topleafe himfelf in their ways, (and one we love, we defire thould pleafe us,) thrrtfort, God doth fludioujly and with avifemmt, order all his !\eps. . Which ordering of our fieps i• in a fpecial manner fa to be under!\ood , as to fee to us and our !\eps fo, as at lean fin may not have Dominion over us : For which you may obferve thatjoyning together of thefe r.wo, P(al.••9· IJ3. Order my jlrps in thy word : And Jet not fin have 'JJominion over nu. Or if you will take another E><preflion of David · (which fince i met with it bath much pleafed me as to the point in Hand. ) And therefore I will fomewhat enlarge upon it. Pfal. 66. 9· 10. 16. Which holdeth our Soul in Ltfe, and Jufforeth not our fen to be moved. For thott, 0 God, haft proved ta: Thou haft tried'", M plver i4 tried. Come and hear all ;•e that [tar God, and I will declare what he bath do11t for my Soul. There are two eminent benefits, or blefliogs Spiritual ; and but two , that comprehend all other that take, and fill up the whole fpaee of a Chri!\iano Life, fro(ll his fir{\ converfion to his death: 1. The work of Converfion, ,or efrating him into Life , at fir{\: 2.. The pre(ervation of that Life, and conduct of him unto Glory, through all the pairages of his pilgrimage: And each of thefe in their l<iQds , wonderfull , and great : And if a controverfie , and de– bate were admitted, · which of them thouid be the greate!\; it would be found that no jury of Mankind, could determine on either fide ; but mu a return ·, and leave it to Gods free Grace it felf, which is the Author, and finilher of our Faith, to decide : And perhaps both will be found alike redounding unto the Glory of that Grace: Forlook as the works of Creation at fir!!, and uphol" ding all by his power, and providence, are yoked together as works ofa .like wonder, vouchfafed the Creation in common, He6. 1, 2.,J. So ju{\ in the like manner we find R<generation, and perfeverance joyned, as the fum of all other works in this Life: Thus, -Begottm again; And hpt 6y the power of God to Salvatio11; are joynedbythe Apo!\le, 1 Ptt.l, 3,and ;. called,and prefervtdin Chrtfl Jef>t<: So in Jude Ver(,l· And Pmtl the fame; 1 Thef.. 5·21, 24. And the very r.od of Ptace frmflifityouwholly, and] pray God )our whole Spirit, lllld Soul, and Bod1 be prtfervedblamelejs unto the com– i~tg of our Lord ,7e(iu Chrifl. Faithft~l it ht that calteth yo11, who tJl(ow.tU do it. And in the Old T e!hment; I have made or formed you; and I Will bear, and fupport you: I(oi, 46. 4· And I havt made, and jlablt{hl .ror~, 'Dmt. p . 6. by both of which he lhews himfclf a Father, as in the words >fore: And accordingly the Saints are called upon to ble(s God more cmrnently for thefe two Grand and comprehenfive Benefits:Bleffrd6e God,fays Petrr,1 Ptr, •·J·