Of EleClion. 377 My Brethren, you have cften heard perhaps with much delight and fmypa- ~ thy, the firange relatwns of one anothers converlions; firangc m the variety Chap. '>· of dealings God tal<eth With each Soul, and In fame, unto a wonderment ; ~ And which enhaunceth the wonder of It, that m all it arifeth to the fame fuhfiantial work of Humiliation, Faith, and Godlinefs: Well bur let me again tell you , that If you could but recall, anol dilate upon the whole, or priocipal paffages of your f'rrftvtrance in Grace,and the dangerous rocks,the !lrang<> Meanders and Labynnths, the toflings, and tempells you have run through in the oourfes of your lives, your dangersof falling off from God thereby; together with Gods diffolving the charms , and machinations ol Satan, laid therein againll you, fhewn in his "coverings of you after failings long continued, BackJlidings, and revivings from dead frames of Heart, and fo firange prevenungs ot you from fallmgs, what by providences, what by his Grace inwardly working, and thereby preferving of you; and then his Gracious {upports and comforts vouehfafed your Souls , and renewals of your inward Man day by day; his mighty breaking~ in upon you in communion with himfelf, and his Son ; his chafiifements, and fore afllillings of you, to the Iffue of them; the changes of condition, and emptyings from veffcl to veffcl he hath made, fiill fancb tying them, to leave none of your dregs behind; his leading you t hrough great, and terrible Wilderneffes, and th~n again through variety of green Po!lures; and further, difcoveries by all , of your own he>rts to him • and of his to you when you make fuch reflections on the feveral paffages, and experiences of your Lives; you will find that it is matter and caufe ofthe Saints, their greatefi blefling of God, the keeping, or preferving their Soul in Spiritual Life. I !hall fet the unfpeakablenefs thereofout in no other con!ideration than this; by which Auflin fo magnifies this Grace, above what .Adam's, in his bell , • nd perfect EO ate was, that con!idering the infinite variety, and number of Tryals, Temptations, t he Body, and firength of Corruptions, fiillremain– ing , dampmg, oppoiing the power, a11d Life of Grace by corruption, and 1hc Law of the members; it is a wonder of wonders, that Grace fhould be continued, and not driven out : Asgreat a wonder as to fee a fmall Cock·boat kept alive, (as Mariners fpeak) in the f1!idfi of fo many Seas and Storms, and Waves of corruption that overwhelm It; or to carry a fmall Cand le light– ed , yea in it felf, but as yet a fmoaking week, as Chrill calls it , ready of it fclf to dye, and exp ire, when fouft every minute, in a rainy and Stormy night, through New-market-Htatb : But Chrifi, and his Power , is the !an~ thorn, it is preferved in; Preferved i11 Chrifl; As Jrtdt s. Ccc CHAP.