Of EleBion. ~ fa id; fecondly, in the Execution and Application of it unto the two fortS of BooK IV, perfons that are eleaed. r. The performance of it upon the Jews, verfe 11, ~ 12. In whom al[o we have o6tai11ed an i11herita11a, 6ei•1g predefli1lated according to the purpo[e of him, who worknh nit thi11gs after the counfel of his own wtiJ: That we fbould be to ibe praije of his glory , who firfl trufled in Chrif/. In whom al{o the EpbeftmJS and the Gellliles, unto whom he fpeaks, trufied, verfe r3· !11 whom y< atfo tru(led, after that ye beard tht word of truth, the gofpe! of )•ourjt.lvatiotJ: in whom alfo after thot ye 6elieved, )" were fealed unth that holy fpiril of promzfe. He contents not himfelf to have delivered Eleaion in the Ooarine only, and to apply it there in particular, but he goes ever the two forts that were elected, like two great Arms of the great Body ofa Tree ; yea, and which is moll to be obfcrved home to my pur– pofe, this fecond applying of it is to thew the accomplifumem, the cffea up– on eitber; So as you have the Performance infallibly following the general Do– arine, and that both upon Jew and Gmtilt, which divide the whole breadth of the kms of Mankind between them, So as •nothing cal'l be plainer, than that the Apofile lhould conjoyn thefe two together, as Caufe and Effea, and tlm the Apofile would have the Saints to take notice of this Univerfal Conjunaion. . In the forepart, the Ooarinal part, he puts in the word m, and he has itilp again, we whofirfl trt~f/ed iu Chri(l, we Jews , and fo carries it all ~long, as including himfelf, his own perfon, ns the eminent innance, purpofely to in~ elude himfelf, as one that in common was eleded with the refi, and a cliief pattern of the EleCtion of the refi, to them that lhould after believe.The grace of P tml's Eleetion.was the fame fubfiantially with the grace vouchfa.fed in li:le– leaion to every ordinary Saint; they may differ in degrees of favour, and ex– traordinary CircumfiaRccs accompanying their EJeaion : As the Eleaion of the firfi Fathers in Rom. 11. /16raham, lfaac, and J"co6, though for the fpe• cial honour of thuir perfons, they are called the Fathers, and Patriarchs , yet the grace of their li:leaion for fubfiance is the fame, one uniform Grace. So the Eleaion ofPa11l, aad of all the Saints,is one common grace and uniform thing for the fubfiance of it. The fame Power works, and the fame Graces wroughr, let tile Adverfaries plead what circumfiances they may, or can, out of P n.ut's example, it will prove but circumfiantial; as that Chrifi himfelf Jhould call him from Heaven, and he lhould hear him by the way,and hear him– felf fpeak : But yet P aut's Election, and Converfton, and the Effeas there· of, were but one and the fame with ours; for the example of his Converfton is made a pattern to them that fPould after btlitvt. And Chrifi himfelf gi– ving an account of it, tells /lnanias, he was a chojtn vtjftl to har his 11awu, and in him the Event, and the Dodrineof Eleaion, were infallibly and in· feparably conjoyned. . Beftdes this General, there are {undry Particulars almofi in every word of this Paragraph, in Eph. I. from ver{( 3• to the I )th, that are found to confirm that God's Decrees of Election, and of the whole Fabrick of our Salvation, are efficacious in the fenfe that has been given, and fhall infall1bly have their e· vent. Firfi, Take the word EleE!imz; God is not at Ifs and /lnds with us in it, but if it be according to Eleaion, it fiands firm, fixed. This the ApoU!e affcrts, Rom, 9· I I . That thept~rpofe ofGqd according to EleE!io11 might (/a1td. ,What– ever fiands, that does, and has its etrea in due time, by Calling, which is the nece!fary confeguent of it. That the purpoje of God according to EleE!iotJ mightfla,d, tJot of worh, 6ut of him that callerh. Secondly, As in this place of the Romans, it is fa_id, That tht purpofe of Goi accordzng to EleE!ion mightJlmtd, you have !t yaned elfewhere, Predeflz~atedaccordmg to his purpofo, Eph. I, ll; and 1t IS made a fuffic1ent d1fitnlhon of El ea from Reprobates, that they are called accordihg to his purpofe ; Row!. 8. 29. /11! thi11gs work together for good to thtmthat love God, the called (IC· cording to his purpofe. And fo Auf/iltmakes ufe of the word voc.ati focmdum propojttttm, as a note of difiinaion; His purpore is faid to have us cffell wan efficacious Calling. Thirdly,