Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

3~ 2 . Of Eleflion ~ !incf>for whtch he eame,_,b_e_i_n_g:_c_o_m_m_an_d_e_d_t_o_fh_e_w_w_ h_c_rc-· -h-i,-C-o-m~m-i_lli_to_n_w_a-s, BooK IL he pointed to a Regiment of Horfe, there is my Commillion, fays he : it was ~ drcrewm cum potmlra coujunctum. But you !hall fee not one Attribute only but that tmny of the Attributes of God,· which arc mort proper to effect th~ thing, arc dtfcovered , and made to appear to back and command, and not demand only, as for cxomple; The Divine love, and Wifdom, and counfel and will that is in God, do all liand out, and appear to accompany, and mamtain thefe decrees, and that mu!t needs be judged effectual which is fo armed , and compleatly furnifhed. . The Attributesare thefc, to rehcrfe them more largely. Fidl:, an incxhauHible fund of Divine Love in the bottom of God's Heart laid up, and provided to maintain all the expen~e~ and heartily, and willing· ly to perform tt all along, tn the dotng of tt. llus he fpeaks fir!t of Election, /fccordmg M lu hH4 chofm IU 111 hrm, that we fbottld be holy, and without 6/.rme before bim in Love, Epb. r. + This paffage, before him i11 Love, 'Drckfon Gl,ijcon, Profeffour, Interprets of the Love of God born to us, when he chafe us to make us every way perfe.;t in Holinefs all along, to the high•ft degree of pcrfecbon we are capable of: Vt gradatim vere j(mctificarmmr, et tandem plwe,perfeCiique jantf1 in ciJ!Io(ifleremur : As by that Love which by dt grees truly fanctifies us, and at !aft fully, and perfedly prefenrs us holy in Heaven, without blame. And fo Interprets thole words by thofe that follow in the fifth Ch<~pter, where fpeaking of the fame Love in the Heart of God, andChrift, l-lujbrmds Love your Wives, M Chrifl alfo loved the Omrcb, a11dgave himjflj for it; that he might JanCIJfie and cleanfe it, with tbe wajhi11g of water, !IJ thr word: That he might prefmt it to himfelf a gloriotu Cburch, 11ot having {pot or wrinkle, or m~_Y ji1cb thing: Bttt that 1 t jho1tld be holy, a11dwitbout blemi/b, Which words in the fifth Chapter, are apparently fpoken of the love, that .is in the Heart of Chri!t; for it is, love ;o11r W1vts, H4 Chrr{l bu Church , wtth a fpectallovc; whereas the llrmmi– miS " ould have God's love equal, and alike to all; and likewife he fpeal<'s of the love in the H.eart of God the Father,and fo ofChri!t in his other T ext;verf. 4· of the firft of the Ephejirw's: For the Apofile fpeaks of it, as the worker of all that Holinefs, which is not only in us at the fir!t, but which is perfect– ed to the Iaft and utmoft degree, which we are ordained to have in Hraven. To be rmblameable , fays thatlir!t Chapter, before him, whom God can find no taulc with, not having Jpot, 11or wrinkle, or any ji1ch thilrg, fays the fifth Chapter; that is, that we fhould appear before him, not only without all !in , but without any imperfection or mifery, or any fuch thing, that has the appearance of imperfetlion, but be rendred blelfed, and glorious at Iaft before him, and this out of pure love , whtch the Apo(\le makes the cau(e of our Eledion , and of all that happinefs, and holinefs, which follows upon it, And love being here prefented as the caufe of all, this mufi therefore ne– ccffarily be taken of what we !hall be, when perfect in Heaven : Thus he, And it IS not barely fa id out of love , or with love or by love , bur in the fol– lowing Chapter to theEpbejims, 'Tis faid to be with hisgrrat lwe, where. witb he lovrd tu; which love is there mentioned as the foundation of all, as of God'o Ruh mercy to us ; to which is added , for the grtat love whrre– w a b /;e loved m, as the bottom of all that great mercy : The latter be– ing (poken of, as rcfpecting mans Election , in his pure condition of Holi– nefs as it was in A dam ; but the Rrcbes of mercy, which is the fir!t men– t ioned , refpeds MaA as fain into !in , ond mifcry , whereof he treats in that Ch.;pttr. But that great love, which was in the Heart of God, as the foun. da"tton, thot continued in Man , though fain, and wrought in"mercy, was– that, wh1c~ had begun toward his Elet\, I do not fay to all Men in Adam's, nor to them in that Holincfs, which was in Adam, but to bring them to that perfect Hnlincfs of another kind, which he meant to give us in Heaven where– unto he had us. 2 . And feei ng we are upon ir, if the next be mercy, which properly refpcCls the mifery we were fain into; and that dorh nor pafs the Apofi!c without an