Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EM/ion. an exaggeration of it in the 7th vtrjt of the fecond Chapter to the ~~ Tht txaeding Riches of hu Grace ill his kind11e[s towJrds w. 'Chap. 16. Here is love, ond mercy, and all the interefi that they have to move the ~ Heart of God wirh, that conduce 10 make our Salvation effeCtual, l· The Will of God it fet upon it in the fifth verft , H,wtngpredrflinated M according to thegood pltajure of hi. wifJ. There it is once mentioned, aod it is not purely Will, which were enough; for where Love's power and Will meet, a• }OU !hall fee here they do, what is there will not be done, that God can do? ·it ishis own Will, it is emphatically faid lo, who works all thefe things, (as was Interpreted) that go 10 make the work porfeCt; accordi11g to the Couu– jfl of huow" wifJ, Veri 11, Regeneration tS the lirfiproduC!: of Elelli· on : And the fame Expreflion is ufed of it, of his owiJ wifJ ht 6tgat tJS; tr the wordof Tr111h; lfai, I, I 8. Obforve it , how diametrically oppofite it is to the Laogmge and Efiate the Arminiamwould put it it MansWill? no: It is Gods own Will, which is the State of the Qt)efiion: John 1. q. who Wtrt ~orn11otof 6/ood, norofjlt{hnorof th'ewit!of Mm1, lmtof God. It is the good pleafureof his Will. Jer. l2•4t· yea, I wilJ rejoyce over thtm to do themgoD<i, withm_y who!t Hrart, and with my whole Soul. When God in– tends to do his people good, he rejoyces to do it; yea, to think of doing it with his whole Heart, and with his whole Soul. Now, EleCtion is omhe bo11ttm, as God fa id ro Mofts, is the intention of the highefi good, and ro efr~a ir, his joy mufi be anfwerable: And what a Man does wittJ his whole Heart, andwithhiswholeSoul, the whole of him isinit. ft is not fa in his other works of throwing Men to Hell, Jer. 9· 74· Ltt him that Glorieth, Glory i11 this, that ht tmderf/mzdtthme, and knowiedgtth me, that lam the Lord which txtrczfes Jovi11g Kittdnefl, Judgmmt, and Righteou[ntfs in the Earth; For In tht(e th111gs I delight, faith tht Lord. Which words the A– pofile Applies to the benefits we have by Chrifi in our Salvation, which are tho fruits of EleCtion: I Cor, I. JO, 3'· But of him are ye iH Chri(/ ."fejtts, who of God is m,zde uttlo 11s Wt(dom, a11d Rigbteoufne(s, m1d Sanffiftcation, and Rtdtmptiof!: Th.zl accordi11g tU it is writttn, ht tb,,tglorieth, let himglory 111 tht Lord. But there is no aCt of Will, but an Underfianding Goes before it, and leads on to it, And fo it is with Man; and thus far it is with God: The dep;h of his Wifdom and Knowledge preceeds, and concurs with this ACt of his Will: Rom. I !.JJ.Ohtht depth of the Richrs,6oth of the Wifdomand Know• Jedgtoj God; fpoken of Election. And obferve the Counfel of God exprelfes his deepefi wifdom: And although in M10, iris upon deliberation for rime, which perfeCts a Man's thoughts, and the after fccond thoughts are befi, yet thefe firfi though<s c,f God, (who mufi not be fJid to deliberate, that notes ImperfeCtion,) His lirfi thoughts, that he fell upon before the World was,are feid to have the folidity ofCounfel in them, and to be as per tee!:, a; to Eternity they could have been made ; and fo perfeCt, that they are not capable of al· teration unto any other: Hence in He6. 6, 7• Wherein God wifJing mort a6nn. drmtly to fbtw unto the hrlr of.Promi{e, the lmmtttabiitty of his Cozm[ei, confirmed it by mz 0 .1th. Hedeltberately ventures to fwear, as beong pnvy he had confidered all things, that concerned t heir Salvation; pattco refpictetts clto pronunciat, but he that confiders all, as he that dehberates, ts fuppofed to do, is bold to fwear. O bfer•e only this at lafi, rhat it is f•id, tht Cou•(ti of bis wi/J; as ifhis Will had been of the two, the mofi forward, and had fet his Underflandtng a work about all thofe Counfds. OF