Of Eleflion. 397 that more noticed place .in P<ttr's.Sermon to the Jews ( becaufe I lhall do ~' it in a fubfequent Treaufe of Baptt~m, tf God enable me) Afls 2, ~8, l9· <;hap. 2 . Where exhorung the Jews to. come 10 to the embracement of the New Co- ~ venant of the Gofpel, then firfi delivered, and to receive Baptifm the Seal of it, for the forgivenefs of fins; he fpeaks thus: [For the Promifo id to you and your Childrm] and t~en extends the :Came l'romife to the Gentiles alfo: [And to a!J that are afar off, and to Ill many ds. God /ball call] namely of the Genttles; who 10 that Ephe[. 2, '7• are fa1d io havt burt afar off. Now if the Jews Covenant fiill under the Gofpel, continues to be to them and their Seed; and the fame Promife belongeth to the Gentiles when called; then to their Children alfo: And the Reafon is firong ; for elfe the Jews lhould once have had Promifes , yea and this under the Gofpel too, which we have not: Whereas you have heard it proved, that we are of their Commonwealth; yea, we are their Children, They our Fathers; and the fame Promifes and Tefiaments given to us, that were given to them. So as this Pr!viledge comes by a double Right to us; bY God's Covenant a Chrifiian Family m conformity unto Abraham; and by his Covenant alfoa Church in conformity to the Jews. This Par;/lhews to have been the Ancient ·promife to the Church of Rome, and they polfelfed this Priviledge more eminently then any other Churches for four hundred years; till lhe began to fpread her felf too fH into unnatural Branches, to enlarge her fdf, and to over-lhadow other Trees, and ufurping over other Churches, like to Ne6uchadonezzar's Tree, not keeping within thofe bounds of C/(tent wherein God had planted her, CHAP.