Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

398 OfElef1ion. ~~------~----------- ------------------- ~ BooK V. ~ CHAP. Iii. A comparing the 1. Cor. 7· 14. with the forecited Rom. 1 I, 16. NOw for a more full confirmation of this point : I !hall proceed to compare this place, Rom. I'· with that other, I Cor, 7· '4· and by both fct together we lhall find this point in hand yet more clear, namely, That our Seed now is included in the Covenan\ of Grace, as the Jews Seed was in that .,r their Fathers. Forlook what we have heard fa id of the Jews, Rom. 1 I. 16. in tefpect of their Fathers, and their Covenant: The very fame we find fpoken of our Children (in that place of the Corimhs) in their relation unto us their Parents being Believers. The Apollle in that place to the Romans, argu· ing for the Jews converfion in future times·, fays, If the firfl fmits 6e Holy, thelttmp iulfo Holy: If the Root be Holy, Jo are the Branches. And in like manner, in that 1 4· verft of the 7· to the Coriu. fpcaking of the Childrw of Believing Gmtiles, he fays, They are Holy, and that in refpetl: of their rela– tion to their parents, as Believers, as will anon appear. And fo thefe two places ferve mofi fitly to interpret one th'other; and l alledge this latter , not only as a new confirmation of the point it felf, but further alfo of that inter– pretation of Rom. ''· which in the former Chapter I ~1avc given. Now in that Speech of his, Rom. 11 . he fpeaks not of otetw11rd, but of trur, i11W11rd, re11l ho!ilufl; not of their 11ncient , JewifP, Ltgal, and Typical holiuejs which was in all the Nation , but of their Evm•ge!ical holi11eJs: For it is given as a reafon of their future converfion, as verf• '5· which we one day look for: Which will be an Evangelical holinefs, not Typical. Neither fpeaks he this in~ promifcuous fenfe, of the whole Nation , that they were holy from the better part, as namely, becaufe fome elect lhould be found among them; but the Speech properly refersro thofe very elect, and to them only who !hall then be called: For if compared with verj( 15. immediately fore-gomg, it appears his Scope to be, to lhew, what manner of perfons at rheir r<azvi11g and engrafting i•J agai11 (as verfe '5· and 24.) they !hall then be : And that by reafon of their Fathers covenant: For if the firfl {rteits be holy, fays he, jo u the l11mp: And verje 27. he explains it out of 1/ai. 59· This is my cove– 'l/tJflt whm I jiM!t take away their (ins, both by a real ju!lifying and faneii· fying of them, as by comparing He/;. evident, And he fpeaking this of that great aUJd true converflon and fanctification of the eletl: of that NatiOn to come (as that particle [ Wbm I /hull, &c, ] imports) no other then real andGojptl-hoti11e[s can be meant or intended. For then, if ever any m any age. were holy, they !hall eminently be fuch. Yea and therefore he mufi needs prophe!ie this with an aim to thofe individual perfons in that Narron, who lhall then be holy and converted, that are eleei and 6dovrd for their Frzthersfakts. And yet becaufe the generality, or the mofi of that Nation lhall be then con– verted: (For verfe 26. he fays, .Att lfrael fhatt be faved, ) therefore he ufeth the word Lump. And l have thought, that that outward Typical holi– nefs of the whole Nation before, under the Law, might be intended as a Typ• of the great and large extent of real holmefs of that whole Nat1on under <he Gofpel ( in comparifon of all Nations clfe) which is one dav yet to come. And with this fuits alfo the Apofiles phrafe of Speecb, Whm [it ]jh.1!! ttmt 11nto the Lord, 2 Cor. 3, fpeaking there alfo of the conver!ion ot rim Na· tion,as in this Rom. r1. Now