Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleEiion. 399 Now then, if true real holinefs be prcmifed and intended in that Rom. ~ u. 16. to .librahams Seed to come almofi four thoufand years after A6ra- Chap. ~. ham, by rcafon of their Fathers Covenant, and we be there faid in the v-v--.1 mean time to fucceed them in their Covenant, or rather come in as furrogatcs; why lhould we not think that the Promife and Declaration of God about our next Children ( which in this -other place of the New Te· !lament we meet with, 2._ Cor. 7· wh~re it is as expreily faid, that they are holy) fhould there alfo be meant m the very fame fenfe , efpecially feeing the fame ground or reafon is given in both; namely, the Parents their being Believers , is given as the reafon why the Children are holy, fo :z. Cor. 7· even as here in Rom. u. This is the reafon given why Aurahams Seed fhall be converted , for If the root be holy, fo are the branches, cfpecially feeing that we Gentiles are here faid to partake of the fame Covenant and priviledge of that Root of Roots ( as I may call him) A6raham, (as verfe '7·) which certainly is this, that.., his, fo Our Children fhould be holy; which is the fame thing that in this other place in the Corillths the holy Ghoft is pleafed to fpeak of them. And although the catalogue and number of A6rahams Children to bo converted may exceed ours, yet the holinejsof the one and the other is the fame; and therein thefe two Speeches do fwcetly agree and accord. CHAP.