Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eletlion. /;~"bmtd; as in the former it was fa id, the un6rlieving htu6a11dwas fadCl:ilied by "'.A../"'1 the wife: But 10 both femences though he turns and alters the Speech tram Chap. 4· husband to w1fe, and w1fe to lm;band, affirmmg 1t lirft of the wife then of~ the, yet ftill he keeps ro this in both, that the Vn6t!itVi11g Party is fanCl:if1ed in the other, whetherwife or husband, It mull: needs therefore bej that he means to attribute th1s Pnv1ledge of the unbehever unto the Believer ' vouch fa fed only for his or her fake. And ~· the particle[ '* J which we rran: flare [ by J implies rh is : for it is all one with [propter ] i11, or for their fakes; or (as our Tranilanon harh rendred the force of 11 ) 6y the wife ; that is, for and through her, or by re•fon of her. And if it be fa1d, that yet he adds not the word beliwing; and fays not is fsnCl:1ficd m the 6duvmg Wife. I anfwer, that rh1s muft necelfardy be underflcod : For, I, According to the law of Oppofition, and the manner of the Scriptures exprellion , ( fuch as m the Proverbs and elfewhere you fhall often meet with) but one of two comranes are exprelfed, and the other underfiodcl thereby ; nod in that here , in both the fentences, the Vnbelitver is memi; oned , the other part, Believer is necelfarily implied. ' Yea o. T heremhes theemphafis, that evm an u116eliever is j'a11f1ijied, (which elfe is a feemmg contradiction; for to them a!J thi11gr are impure) yet though an unbeliever, yet he 1s notwith!tanding fanCI:ified in the wife,as Be· lieving. . . "nd yet ~· It Is fu~ther noted out as emphatically in the greek Article <. [•~] ;.uv.J>ci, aRd '* [ ·~Jdrlrl: He is fanCI:ified in that wife, namely, in that Brothtr or Sifltr Believmg; as in putting the cafe, He had called Him,verj:Ii, andcalleth'htr, vtr[t ''i· And therefore 4· In fame Greek Copies, as Beza fays he found it, unto '-•!' JN••:"', the word [ .,,! J is expreily added, that is, in the believi11gwife : and to ;. ,;;; .trJpl , the word ..,;; is added ; in the 6etieving hus• baod. The like is faid of their Children, that they have a differing priviledge ( which the word < ...~ [ Elft Jnotes out, as I fhall fhew anon ) from that which thofe of unbelievers have. So much for the lirfi, that fome fpecial priviledge to a Believer is inten– ded. Let us therefore confider 2, what this priviledge it fel fof a Believer in mar– riage is, which isdouble, as_ here : 1. Of the H~sband, or partie married, that he is Jimf1ifitd 10 the w1fe: 2. Of the Children, that they are not un– clerm , but holy. Let us confider lirfi; how the unbelieving Husband is faid to be fanetified. 1 , You fee, it is riot meant of inherent fanCl:ification in his perfon; for he is faid to be fanCI:ilied, not as in himfelf, but<. •i ,.,.,.;, in the wife : That is, in another ; therefore it is not meant , that he is holy , perfonally'But 2 . It is a fa"Ctilication infl~ummti refpef1u {i11is nut u{U< , of an in– l\rument in refpeet to an end , or for a holy ufe or purpofe : As rh,ngs which we ufe holily, or which do ferve Gads providence to an 11oly ufe, ,are faid to be fanCl:ified, Thus in Scripture we find things are ca!led holy, or vain, as that ufe or end is, to which the u(ers put them. T he Creatures ufed by Men to lufi, are faid to be Ji•bjttftd to va11ity, Rom. 8. The bells and bridles of horfes are faid to be hotintj; to the Lord, being ufcd holily by Believers under the Gofpel, Znch, I~· Yea thus the Armies of the Bab) lonians ferving to Gods holy ends of vengeance on Hicrufalem, and of goodnefs to his ~leCl:, or~ cal– led Jnntfified onrs, _7tr, I~· 'l· And thus here ~he husband IS {mJf1,fird m the wife. Now this is to be underfl:ood m a double fenfe or r<f- . peel:: 1. Asto herufe : Thatis, foasfhe may have a fanCl:ified and holy com• munion with him : In thefame fenfe that to Believers the creat11res arc f•id . not only robe good in themfelves, but to be jimtfifi•d, r Tim, 4, 5· that is'· in their ufe: So as Believers may have, riot ooly a lawful, but a holy ufe of F f f ~ them,