Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleCiion. bring a curfe on the Children ) yet even therein God hath vouchfafed a~ further favour, and fanClified the husband, and pronounced the Children Chap. J.• holy , who elfe for the Unbelievers fake would be unclean. Then which ~ nothing could be faid more to enhaunce this favour, and the priviledge of a Believer in this refpeCl. His fcope beiog to put the cafting of the ballance for their Childrens eftate (which the Unbelievers curfe would render unclean ) upon the favour of God, to a Believer even to fanClifie an Unbeliever, their priviledge fwaieth it and prevaileth. And fo EJjr l fldeed comes in here , juft as it would in this following inftance parallel to it; As if, one [peaking of the aClions of a regenerate Man (in all which the flefh bears the half /hare , as having aJil influence into all he cloth; and in refpeCl of whofe concurrency ( according to the law and covenant of works ) the better part, and the good that is in them would be fo polluted , that God would reckon them as a Menjlr11ous Cloth, filthy aod defiled ) l11ould yet notwithftanding fay of them, that by the grace of the Gofpel, the regenerate Man bath this priviledge, that the fin fhall be pardoned, and the good accepted in, and through Chrifi; Now(I fay) as one in declaring this cafe might fay , The regenerate Man is fo far accepted in Chrift , that notwithftanding the influence of the unregenerate part, his actions are fa nctified in ChriO:, which Etfe would be 11ucfean ,_ 6111 Now they are holy; In fuch a fenfe cloth it in like mooner come irt here , concerning their Children [ etfc J were they tmctea11, [ 6ut1Wiil] thej are holy. CHAP.