Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

~ BooK V. ~ Of EleClion CHAP. V. Reafons drawn out oftbatforegoing Expofition of• Cor. 7· i 4· 1hat the Holinefs there attributed to Believerr Children, u true, and real, Evangelical bolinefl. O– ther lnterpretationr refuted. · N 0 W out of thefe Explanations of the words laid altogether, I cormi in the next place to form up fome Reajo11s, (which was the jeco11d Head I propounded for the difcuJiing this Point) out of this place , fuch as this j>lacc affords, namely, to prove that a true holinefs of thefc Chil– dren of Believers is here intended. Tne reafons have been couch•d , I confcfs, in the former confiderations, yet for the help of the weak, I will draw them out more plainly, and lay them together. 1. You heard before that this boli1u[s is in a further ftnfc attributed to thefe Children, than the being jaueltfied, ( whicn is here fpoken of the Unbel1eving Parent) is attributed to them. And that r.he one is but an lnjlrumnttal holinefs, for an ufo paJiively fubfrrving; but that this attri· burcd to the Children, is a perfonal privil«'ge belonging to t hem, in that they are called holy in themfelves, Now then let nis attribute of Hotintjs, which is given to the perfons of tho Children , be allowed them, but in as true and genuine a fenfe, as that SauEltfcrllt01t of the Uubelievers ufe to the Believer is taken in , and then this I contend for will necelfarily follow. Let, I fay, both holineffi; be but weighed in the fame Ballance of rho S nctuary, and efiimatcd but by the fame Rule of Proportion, in their feveral kmds; and let this holi11ejr of the Ch.!d rcn be acknowledged to be bur as true, and as good a holincfs for perfonal holioefs, (and fuch as the word ufually accounteth unro pcrfons ) as thor being Sanelt{ied which is fpoken of ~he Unbelieving party is faid to be, in refpcct of fome 11{( or eud ; that rs , let the one, in its kind be an– fwering to that which the other is in its kind; and fo to b" of as rrue a kind of perfonal hol ioefs , as that other is a true infirumer.tal holin:is: and then it will ncccffarily follow, that it is the holinels we feelr. For when the Unbeliever is faid to be {allelifitd in tbt Wt(e, the true mean– ing is, that t~le ufe of fuch an Husband, in and to the Wife, tile Word doth account to be Holy, and God looks at it accordingly, as holy, and ac– cepts it, that is, with fuch an holinefs as is proper to actions, er fucb an oc– ceptation as is of thiogs ufed holily, or tending to an holy end; Why t hen when the Children are faid to be holy, perfonaliy. lhould not rhe meaning be, that their perfons are accounted holy by God wirh fuch an holincfs, as is pro– per ro perfons, and {o that they are accepted by him as perfonally holy, even as truly as the others ufe was fo accounted by him? Why lhould not both te meafured by the fame met-wand? Add to this, fecondly, That this holinefs is a perfonal priviledge, 3rtributcd with a difference from an Unbeliever's Child (as you have heard) by virtue of their Parents Priviledge. Now, let all the world find me out any other ft nfe of refp· et wherein the Gofpel lhould call their CJ1ildren bo!y, as a priv ikdge vou<hfaftd them, and in oppofition to which, the Cnildrcn of Unbelievers , though lawfully begotten,· are called tmc!etm, than rh is of rruc and Evonge· Iical holinefs. Surely the difference between two Unbelieves married. and this Believer married to an Unbeliever here, mull nectffarily run rhus: Titat 1. In the ufeof her Husband ll1e harh a priviledge which Unbelievers hove not, that He is fimelijifd to hfr: but two Unbelievers, rhougl1 lawfully married, are