Of Eletlion. are not thus fanctified each to other : Tlletr communion is lawful ind"ed, in it~. felf, and fo is their M•rriage, as being approved by the word; but yet thoir Chap. 5. MJrriage communion is defiled with fin, •• other their lawful actions are, and~ fo rhey are unlanctified each to other: But it is not thus with the communion ot a Bdiever marriod to an Unbeliever, which is not only lawful in it ftlf, but fwctified, and on her part accounted a holy communion by the Word, and fo reckoned to her by God, and by her fubferving an holy end God l!ath ordained it for. Now then, fecondly, Let but the like Parallel difference proportionably ru~ in the Children of the one,and the other~ (which is the Apoflle's fcope)name– ly, That Unbeliever's Children, though not llaflards or unlawfully begotten, are yet unclean in a further refpeCI: (which the Gofpel counts an uncleannefs) but the Children of a Believer are not only legitimate, or lawfully begotten, but further alfo they are holy, and that in the language of the Holy Ghofi, Now fearch the Scriptures, and find me out a holinefs that fhould perfonally be attributed thus to Believer's Children, as their peculiar honour, and as a perfonalPriviledgedifferent Ji·om Unbelievers Children (who yet are not Ba– llards,and yet unclean)l fay,find our any otherholinefs that can be given befides this which I aim to eflablifh, that their perfons are fm•Cfijied, ood fo to be rec– koned by us, and I have done. True it is, That the Ceremonial Law did in a Type call all the Seedof the Jews holy; and the whole Seed of the Heathen mzclttm, and in the Type did put the very fame difference in terms ufed here by the Apoflle. But that will afford a third Reafon, that the Apofile intends to fhew, That our Children are to be accounted really holy, and Unbelievers Children really t~uc/(all ; for that outward Ceremonial Holinefs and Uncleannefs of the Law , did rypilie out true Evangelical Holinefs and Uncleannefs under the Gofpel; elfe he would never have expreffed himfelf in thofe very terms: Yea, the A· poflle cloth here call Believers Children holy, and the Children of others UIJ· clemz, io flat oppolition to a Jewifh Cafe, and contradicts their Law in it, ;,. termi11u. Neither can we find, That the Apofile under the Gofpel, did ufe or apply the terms of the Types, except to the very things typified by them: As when Chrifr was called our Pafover, the meaning was, that Chrifr was that true Pa({qver, which that of theirs fignified. So when our Evangelical Worfhip was called Sacrifice, the meaning was, that that was the tr11t Sacri· fee. So in like manner, when the Gofpel fpeaks of our Children in the fame terms, that the Law ufed of the difference of their Children then from others, and with the fame difference that the Law in the Type puts between Children of tb'e'}ews and others; it mufl neceffarily intend the reality of what was thereby typified; and fo, thu our Children are to be efleemed truly h•ly, and Unbelievers tr11/y mzclean. For he could not ufe the fame very terms of the fame kind of perfons (in the fame cafe then and now) anol intend them in the fame typical fenfc and meaning that theLettes oftheCeremon·ialLaw intended; for that in refpect of the Letter of ir, was abolilbed under the Gofpel , efpeci· allv ta the Gentiles; and therefore he would not have ufed them to the fame ku;d of perfons in any other fenfe, than was intended as the thing typified in that Law; which can be no other thaa this, That our Children are really holy, and o'thers unclean, as theirs once were Ceremonially. · Add to this, Fourthly, The help of that other Scripture, Rom.II. 16.where the Apo!\le [peaking of the Fathers conveying the Covenant to the Children, fays, If the Root be holy, Jo are the 87"d11ches: And this is fpoken of Chil– dren to be converted under the Gofpel. When therefore we find the very fame thing faid of the Jews Seed to come, under the Gofpel, That for the Brliev· ing Parents fake (who is the Root) the Childrm (the Branches) are holy 1 wily then lhould any other fenle be put upon the like, that is faid of the Be· lieving Corilzthia11s here 1