Of EleElion. Thirdly, Othcrwrfc he had in this fa id no more, than the Civil Lows then~ in force did; for they pronounced the Marriage Lawful, ond the Children no Chap.) . Baflards: Now his Aofwer furtly is more than Law; it is Gofpel; and this Pri-,...-V"'-.o viledge here of holiuej!, more than the Civil I:aw afforded Children· for it is a Go(pel Priviledge , as rho very Terms imply, ' fourthly , To~e Terms he ufeth arc to Criticl<S very obfervable to this pur· pofe, that to [<·..1~1"', Vuclerm,] heoppofeth not [ ~f", pttreor clea" J as in propriety ot Speech they are,oppofed; but according to the Language of the Jews he oppofeth [ Ho!inefl] to it. Fornication and .ddt<!fery are called V11c/e,m:u(S [ "'"~li" J Epb, )· l· Now if an unclean IifuebyFornication, or Adultery, had been meant, he would have oppofed Purity, or Cleannefs,or fome fucl1 word unro it; but in that he oppofetll [holy J to it, which was a word ou t of the Road as it were; becaufc fo rhe Jews oppofed in their Ceremo– nial b w [ :.1-'"] and [ dY$~tT"] ir evidenrly implies, that he meant fome– thing more than Legitimation: as by the Holinefsof Children the Jews alfo did. And Secondly, for the inflance of Baflards, Uncleannefs in the Ceremonial Law, wh :ch feems to countenance this Interpretation; That can no way be brought to expound the V11c!eamuj!, or HoJme(J here; nor in any fit feofe be applied to exprefs this difference between Children, meerly, as lawfully, or unlawfully begotten. · r. Not in the Litteral fenfeof the Ceremonial Law; for that Uncleannefs of B>flards therein mentioned imported more than an Uncleannefs of Cliildrens Legitimation; it was a Ceremonial, Religious, and Typical Uncleannefs : And on the Contrary, the holinefs of the Jews legitimate Children was al– fo Religious and Typical; and fo imported more than a meer Legitimation of C hildren, in thH they were called Holy as they were to be admitted to Ordi– nances as an holy Seed: Therefore, for the Apoflle to take up thefe Terms to exprefs the meer legit imation or illegitimarion of Children under the Gofpel, had been fhort of the fcnfc of that Law; [which fhould then fpeak it in one fenfe , and he in another. J The holmrflof the Je,vsChildren which was op· pofed to the VncJemuu(J of Baflards; was more than a meer legitimatenefs, o• a being lawfully begotten, as is evident: For they had it as they were A– bra!J,,m's Seed, and fo within the Covenant. Had it nor been thus, then likewife the Heathens Children, if lawfully begotten, had been holy ; whereas, An .Ammonite , or r0rfo,z6ite jhatt 11ot emer into the congregatio11 of the L ord , even to their tmth gmeratio!ljha!J they 11ot enter into tbe co1Jgregati– on of tbe Lord for ever; they were to be kept out, as well as Baflards: So that a being lawfully begotten, was not all that went to make Children ac– counted holy; for then all Legitimate Children had been boly; and therefore it mufl needs be too much to call all Children holy , limply in that refped, or with anv Eye unto that Law. Belides, by that Law, a Ba(\ards Seed, though he himfelf were married , lhould be unclean to the tenth Generati– on. It Secondly, cannot be fpoken according to the Myflical meaning, that they fhould be thus called;or in refped to what under thofe Types are intended: That were to fay, that all Baflards only are now to be counted Unclean, and Unrcgenerated; and on the contrary all Children lawfully begotten, to be Holy , and Regenerate: for the Uncleannefs and Holinefs then, did Typific R.cal Holinefs anfl uncleannefsnow : Neither of which any of any Side either for Baptifm, or again(\ it, dur(\ ever affirm. . • Bur to retort this; it is not therefore more likely Ius meamng fbould be,that as all Heathen Children , as well as Ba(\ards, were to be reckoned Unclean, wirh a Religious Uncleannefs in relpcd to partaking of Ordinances, which t hey were debarred from· a~d on tile contrary, the lawfully b,gotten'Chil– dren of Jews were alone c~unted hoiJ; yet nor limply, in refped of being lowfully begotten, but becaufe they were withal the Legitimate Iffue ofJews, who were the Sons of AbrahfJm, and were therefore to be then admitted un– to OrdinaAces (and all this in a T ypical refped ) fo now thar under the Gofpel lhould be Typtlied out that all Unbelievers Children, and perhaps Unlawful Bhh If.