Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleClion r-....A./'i Fifthly , Much lefs would he carry it ns a fptci•l favour done, and Privi– BooK V. viledge vouchfafed , peculiar to the Parents, becaufe Believers, if it holds not ~really true of their Cnildren in fome eminent manner; it were othcrwife a difprivilcdge rather , for it would expofe them to a greater mockery and mi– fery. N~w this double Confideration and Afpell of thefe words does afford a jofi Ground for thefe Enquiries yet to be anfwered, both for the full clearing this Place, and alfo of the Point in Hand. The firfi Q\1ery is concerning the Judgment which we are to give. ' . The fecond, is concermng the extent of the reality it felf, how farr this Propofition reacheth, that Chtldreri are holy: Whither it beindefinite or U ni– verfal. The third is about the reconciling of thefe two together, and making an harmony between them: And this, for that the Judgment that we are calied to give, namely that they are holy, will be found larger in extent than the re– ality. for the fir!l Namely [ 011r Judgmmt; J Three things are to be enquired into about it. 1. The Ttrmimu or object of our Thoughts, or thing that we arc to think of them, and attribute unto them; whither we are to think every Infant really holy, or outwardly only. 2, The Subject that this our Judgment is to be termined upon; why Infant Children fl10uld be intended rather than thofe of riper years. ~· The manner of it; what kind of Judgment or efieem it is, for the Ad: it felf: whether in charity only to be exercifed, or in aflurance, '· for the Termimnor.objed: of our thoughts, it is real holi11ejs; that is, which we are to think real and true. Some Divines have faid, that bccaufe the Church was to judge any fuch Child Holy, though all were not fo; that therefore it is but a reputative holinefs, and an outward Sacramental holinefs, that we in our Judgments are to give them. But they are mi!laken; for though in the event indeed it proves in many of them, but a reputative holinefs and only in efieem : 1 Yet !lill fo, as the Te~minll4 of the Churches Judgment, or thatHolinefs which they are in theirJudgments to attribute to thcm,is true,real Holinefs: But it is called Reputative only in refpeCl: to the event, in that we fhould attribute true holinefs to thofe who !'rove not fo : Yet frill the Holinefs we are to think in them is no other than real to our thoughts; even as it is in our judging thofe of riper years to be Saints, when admitted into Churches, it follows not that it is a meer outward Holinefs, that is to be the Ttrmimu of our thoughts, or that which we are to content our felves to find in them, or think of them: But that they are truly and really holy: Though in the event it proves no other in many than an outward Titular Holinefs, yet the Holincfs we pitch upon, and aim at, and judge of, and embrace Men for,is a Holinefs to our Judgments Real. Outward Ceremonial Holinefs, fuch as was omong the Jews, and by them profelfed only 1JOmi11e temu, was a Type, and is now vanifhed: But the Holinefs here (whither you take it as it is the Termi11ur of Gods thoughts declared, or of our thoughts enjoyned us) is flill Real,namely to our thinking, though we be often mifiaken. Secondly, For the Perfons whom we judge thus; That Infant C hildren of Believing Parents are rather here meant, than thofe of riper years promifcuoully, as the Subject of our Judgment, is evi– dent, 1. Becaufe the only Ground of pronouncing them holy is, that they are thtir Childrm, It is (you fee) not put upon an)' qualifications, or r,gns, or effells of Grace rnanifc!led. And though they be tl·1cir Children, we cannot fay they are holy, if come to riper years, unlefs they hold forth a worl; of Grace, as Timothy did, concerning whom the remembrance of his Faith wos the Ground of Pauls Pcrfwafion; though the fame in his Mother and Grandmo– ther added aconfirmation thereunto 2 Tim. r. 5.Ifhe had fa id upon this Ground, they