Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Elef1ion. ·~are holy, but fome only. But when we corrie to an Arithmetical Enumeration BooK V, of them, by judging as occallon is of this, or that Infant lndividuallv prefen– ~ ted to us; then 10dced we apply rh is to them: This !mant we think Holy, and fo that other, and the next no lcfs, And fo indeed t hough in our Judg– ment given of thrm by Retail it rifcs to a larger Sum than God intends; let by that other Judgment made by the great, there is an abatement given, of an indefinite number out of them; in the whole mafs of them we think many Unholy. And fo, in the Total Sum, Gods account and ours fall near, yea they jump ono with the other, in that this Judgment of ours being given of them in the grofs and in the bulk; fo as how many, or how few arc fuch, we fufpend, and leave a Blank to fet them down in as Gods Account ~t the Lat– ter Day !hall come in. So that indeed, that Sum whicl1 by Parcels comes to exceed, is by the great fubflracted from, and in the end all made even; and we come to be mi!laken but about this, or that Perfon; not in the Total Sum or upon the whole. In a word the variation is but our fevera! ways ofAccount: Cafl them up one way, by induction, or Particular enumeration , aod the Number exceeds; but count another way, and it fallseven, And Secondly, For that mifiake in our Judgments in having applied it too– thers more th an are holy, there is yet an allowa~ce given in the manner of our judging them, and fo an abatement for this, from the Judgment it fclf; which alfo truly arifeth from its very conformity to the inddinitenefs of Gods Revelation. For when it is foconformed, the Judgment we pafs ttpon any one Infant is not ofcertain and abfolute Perfwafion or affurancc,fuch as we have about our own Eflates when fealed by the Spirit, or fuch as we have of this Truth, that every Believer !hall be faved: But it isan indefinite Judgment on– ly, of flrong inclination , and expectation to fee how God will perform his word to this, or that Infant: Su<h as w• have of our (elves in cafe of our want of Affuraoce. It is more than a fimple [it may be] or [what knowfl: thou J as ver{r 1 Cor, 7· t6. for that may be fa id of any Unbelievers Child: But it is with a hopefulnefs; much weight being put into the Ballance to fway it that way, though not to down·weight, to Affurance; yet fo far to fway, as to be– come a jufl ground for us, to carry our felves unto them, as unto Actual Saints; and fo, to put a difference between them and other Children , as is proper to Saints, even to honour them, efieem them, and bring themio the ordinan– ces of Baptifm as due to Saints. For fo we are to do to others of ripe yea,.., when yet we have not a perfwafion of Affurance that they are holy ; and fo al– fo to our felves. Now for us togive them fuch a Judgment as this, fee how conformable , and fuitable it is to Gods Revelation, and what an Harmony it holds with its indefinitenefs; which is the thing in Hand. For fir!l:, Becaufe God fays not, That aO arr holy, therefore conformably our Judgments do not certainly think of any one Infant, that 1t ts holy. If God had fa id All , we would have with alfurance and a perfwafion ofcer– tainty, faid it of any one, But Gods Speech not !lretching it felf to an Univerfality, our Judgment rifeth not to an affurance. Secondly, Becaufe God hath faid it but indefinitely, of fome, therefore our Judgment is alfo but indefinite. And yet Thirdly, Becaufe this indefinitenefs is nearer to an Univcrf,J, than limited to a few of them, therefore our opinion and expectations are raifed to a greater hopefulnefs for any one, that he is holy, than that he is not. It is more than an [ it may be ] for that aqfwers to thofc large indefinites fpoken of !inners in refpect of the ref.\ of Mankind , which be– caufe they are a thoufand to one, therefore we have:an [it may be 1anfwer· able. But becaufe Election here contracts it fclf fo narrowly ( as fl1ppok it may take Two of Three) therefore our hopes are correfpondent , and do rife fo high as to exprefs a judgment fuch as inclines rather to their holi– oefs, than othcrwife : It cafls the Ballance fo far that way, as to bind us to