Of EleClion. to deal with them as with Saints. Yea, as ( I faid , that) Gods Reve-~ lation came a middle way between our thoughts and his own , fo this is 9ap. 6, a middle kind of Faith between Arrurance and a meer [ it may be ] and~ that fufficient enough to quiet the heart againft all fears to the contrary, and to raife it up to a fpecial exped:ation concerning them , to fee how God performs his word ; There being likewife enough to warrant Our applying the Ordinance to them , a• due to Saints. So then this Allowance being given to the Judgment it felf, it comes to pafs, that though Arithmetically we give it unto more Cllildren tor Number, than the Reality prove•; yet it is a Judgment fpread fo thin, that for the weight of it, it will be (ad pondtH) no more than a Judgment of certain Perfwafion towards a few. And fo there is a Geometrical proportion fiill kept, though not an Arithmetical. CHAP.