Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

`ITo the gentlemen o f C9lamorgan17 ire. Teacher no almoR Tiles where both fhould be well, confider by it, vvhat this people woulde haue thought of them, if they had hued there ? and vvhat is the conceipt of a people prophase , in refpea of their, that know and ferue the Lo R D ? l bete then, and ,diucrs other ecalons, which for fcarc of length I pretermit , alledgeth Free there againfl this foule offence-! Onely one place more I muff needs remember, and it is a good one, to o it,how Bálrhafae King of Babylon, himfelfe, his Princes, his Wiucs and Concubines, drinking and feaf'ing in the Vef- lels of Gold,takcn from the Tcmple, euen then efpied the fingers of an Hand wri- ting vpon the Wall before his face, That his KingdomeGod had nutnbred andfiui_ fbed,weighed him in the Balance, and found him too light, and therefore diuided and giuen his Gouernment away. to the Modes and Perfians , At which fight his countenance changed, ins thoughts were troubled, his Ioynes loot d,and his knees !mote the one againfl the other. O Lord that wet could thinke of this Hand, and fear(' the fentence of this Writing as oft as we cate the Corne of the Barne, or folate our felues 'a id, attic maintenance whatrceuer, taken of our felues without, authoritie from the Temple, But I am too.long. For mine owne part, I haue euer contented my felfessith this rcafón, That that which is enjoyed without warrant either of Gods Law, or Mans.Law, is.vniufily enjoyed, and will a(l tredly, one way or other, haue a fcourge : but fuch -is the fruition ofall Ecc:efiaflica!l Ruing. not altered from that vfe by the Magifhate,thcrcforc vniufflyenjoyed, and to our allured punifhment. Now that it bath neither warrant of God nor man , it appcareth. For the Scriptures you }iaue heard agaha it : and touching the lawes of men I have had it aifo from the learned in them, that they condemn:. it. For to begin with the common law of this land, fiat therein it is tru:,that an aduoufon,in refpe& of the Patron,is accounted no Alfas to yeeld a recompence,becaufe it is not valuabl °. Secondly, the Writ of gua- re impedlt, for the patrone hath dick words in i t t giro zpesyteo e p r a f ntari ad Eecle- fan. gutty cat, 6- ad inrdubitararn fpetiat donattonent,which word (donation) eft libesa dr /poftio.Thirdly, this láw,faith the patron,hath but his donatioe,, :& the ordinarie sue admrfrronit t and therefore compcileth the patrone to bei owe it in a time , or elfe to loofe it by laptc, apparantly therein denying him any kaue to retaine it either ìn whole or part for eucrto himfelfe. Fourthly, it doth.affirme very pretily and fig - nificantly that the true right- and fimple proprietie of the Church is neither in pa_ trone, perlon, norordinatic,ncitherinanymanliuing :butthatthefee fimple ofit is alr:aies infitlpence, andastheverywordsoflaware (esnubtbus)affordingthereby this good re ;ton aganfl this finne, that it is a great wrong for a man to make a cotn- iatoditie to himfelfi of that huh law cannot ende he hath, but is kept and prefer- tied :by law as farce front m ns pollcfsiug, as the clouds are diflant from our hand- ling. Fiftiy, this la -.A Ebb furthcr,titat in time of vacation both the fee and freehold of the .. t-,utch is en fbipenne. and in nubr co, and that then though both patron and ordinarie with tome content wit by their grant cha ge the church with any rent and penfr-n,that yet ootwithffending'the fame charge i, no otherwife of force again!} the incumbent, but that he r.wIl perforce hold illimfelfe contented, if he will haue ir, kcinglree cannot have ale. bcnerìte otherwife than by the prefentarion of the one and ad t dsion of the other: in plaine words it alloweth not the alienati- on 01 any profits front the inctrntbcnt, though both of them confent. Státly when this common law,thushati fg tie s we fpeake of; was by the corruption of men abided in this poinr,and patrons vlarping vpon the Church began to make game by Simony of tdteir aduoufons and prefentattons,itwas and Isprouided byflatutes and pofitiue la ses w ith a paine and penaltie therein appointed, that if any incumbent come in by Symonic, thenir /o falls the Church is voile, and all bits and bands and deeds for the performance of any filch pr riions be alto voide. Much more could the learned yet alledge euen out of this common law again(' this finne,Iknow if they avere to handle it, but this may Efface iu f'eede of more, where confcieuce is made of offending laves and the godly gouernmeut of a Realme. New, for the Ecelefafficall laves , ifI (hall alto note a little thcncc,manifcff it is, and ttueiy very worthy