Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

8 Com'miirld. upon the C oinmanc?emerrts. 99 anda pon. ;tit?? ha nd of many a fee /ie weake wretch f eketh a ft rengt h to efl ab/ 1h my wicked- rep , ardabcckertobe are Oro myfou /eoplrefens? /fit bef, c&nfderbetimtshowtittle lone fuck a lerreart de ferueth when he fba ll be foond act, and feire leafl eythcr the 'rauh of f. odto thee orlotieto thy n, <.fler that isfoabufed tndlitlef fp,aethor,caufefilchaftlr hy_ pocrit and a treacherous Ziba cone to light. Next let vs confider 'bar our heartes will fay concerning ldlentffe. For it bath been preened before , that 'hat is t. of inioyed by the bereft of IdlendIe. fame la'efulllabour is butflolne and 'e haue no right to it. If then my heart aun fwer that Ihue altof other men! /rbours,dooingnothingmy felfe, Ineythergouerne with thegiftea of monde the quiet peace ofmy countrie,>reitheryet with bodihe /abour and truefaithfoll feruiee fteketo rate the ?mate ofmy mailer whorneIPrue; feele it,cnd fie it, hate it, andabhorreit. For fetch lif is loofrnr fe, fur h a lister is a robber,and we fhouldc not tabe any fare Comfort till wee haue chaurgrd fo natightie a court andaltered quite fo loath a life. Too full too full is euerie houfe ar, ti towne offuch idle beliea.Neither here m a ft l one/y examine my felf e whethsr by labour Ihue but alto at narrowly by what labour lute , & ifit be fuch. as theword con demnerh,the /awesofman punifheth,and eachgoodmanmifliketh ,Ifinne,Iftnne, for fuch la- bour isrolife. But lreferre you to what Ihauefold before. L yoke wea/fo earn arweloao.oar fialer 1 b: fetch you, at our heartes , eyes & tongues , *hereby we may ffeale afwellat by the Stealth its hand as before in the C ommardement loath beene prooted.The heart by couetono & catching, heaErtie. or by too mere and nigatdie keep ing, tranfgrefethagainfi this Law ofGod. The eye 6y loe. hvg b yond his limiter c. fending in word to the heart within to make it in loneand fetit in long io f for othermensgcods.The tongue by fall.f' eery ct filed forgeree tommmth aftealth which is called a great /tcalth,as barb been fhowed & proacd hefore. All which or any wherof how they teach vs 0114 ire vs, the Lord knower that knower a /i, and we With profit may well nswe thirkre and Weigh. Doe, oar hearts and baue our hearts tucr retied vpon Gods promifes for all necefarieprouifton while we hue for vs er our. ,not caring,not car king,not wilbinn, t.ot Milling about that which the Lorde alloweth and we may tut tfi'e ? No no,we fuffer our heartes to gee too ferre,andfor want eyther of knowledge or care to lice according to oar knowledge, we boldu c looke of eaerie mans commodities. nAPs wegoe & ride, we fir aighte waytour ; & that which isworfe, prefentytcedeuife toobtaine our wifl ïúnceimeayringifourbrothers wealth,and the fearefoll brew k!ng of ibis Coritmaundemert. glad would Gsod the rage ofour left were not fomtime fo vehement ,at that miffing to get what it greedilieféekeih, et çaffeth ÿs downefic(e on our bed, or cauferh vs to hurt him who hiudereth our wfh, aswefe fellow in A chab to Noboth his vineyarde. But of this hereafter note again rntheienth commaii- dement. For the tongue alas what fhouldeIfay? I will nei er'bidyouinquirewhetberyou betytottgúes. guiltie or no. For whither fhoulde a man flee in thele dayec from flitterte,or Where may we leas and not light on fall forgers feeling by filed phrafe to b/eere the eyes of fuéh as /ealt f f eel -them? Rather !oche in what meafureycu /mire ordao ¡nneiothisbeha/fe. Fort fears, not to fayyoudoo offend. And ifyour on fciencezeflyouyour fin asreat, ruttier äpt headlong itto hellwithoot retorne. (urfed r' that tongutih'et ftattereth anyorranin his jinnifor anïecom. module, or that coolish fuehhiatoat Gods fprrt tbothwrkgiaeto, rece¢goodamendment. Well may I red pe a rewardiliith him for feeding hi, hio>fi`our.; but as Piste I; f eallloop my rewarde with God for flailing away la honour, Lettheìr, eynehereunto , .a'hofe calling- is Lawyers; fachat rise vieweof the drift and fucceffeOftheirp lena,'*herkeriheyhauettot'o ttenindenored by their fpeach the wrong focll alienation of fit rt right fram them other mea.iAnd to not this !heft? .11diPub not be cum Àfwell Kane ribbed b'tnfwithh 'fin es, co r'o be ót meanes byfpeaëh of wrong perfwaf on that et hers doo it ? But alas what wordscan I vfe orany man elfe this day dime to make men feele, that rep hergolden gaire, nor any regarde to bee namedwhat - foeuerfbouldmakethem fpeokevntruey .cgainfi the good ej/ate nf their brethren in any ceoe fes? Surely if this will not bong moue that it is in nature theft which in name thefefoabbore, I will afayno further. The day tad come let themwet/ remember that frnnewillbe lifted both by name and nature, & reape for rewarde at a tuft fudge fuch torment asThal/ twitch aboue any contrite which can Howe be had ofit,and fo continuefor euermore. To draine to an end of this app/ication,are we al cleare of that theft of thefts committed in conueytog ofrheChurch. linings to oar ownevfe from them tl -at ought tohaue them and doo the duetie for them, to the di/honour of God, the rain of the Church, and thefearefsall calling away of many a Sottle into K 2 ehe l