Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

411.1114 ro i '"::Qile1Iions and Anlwers Io.Corrl7Y1d1YllÌ, ár,,ain fi vs? ¡freecan cleare our /limes let vs,if wecannot,where is ourrighteoufrtefywhere rr o ;a perfetticn, where are our merires? Nay why dread we not the death that at thedefrt of lying lappes 10,Gft and fearch the guilt of guilefull torgue,couer it not,exettfè it not ,remember. what I bane fö:de of itlefore,rn ocke rot c7 od,á.uy not with your dänation,hate to be the child of the foule liende, -withfurrow m trueth for paffed fecuritie. file with perfeo erance for euer her after fo finfulin:quitre.Trueth may be blamed,but it canneuer be lhamed, yea euen man in rláctcry. the end fhal like st,L yiiod for euerbleffeit& crowneit. There follow then on the booke thepar_ ticularsefthisgeneral'flatteri n&difembling, &telling falfe tales behind our neighbours back; Concernrg the f rfl whatfhou/de I fay? Should I asl e whetheryon haue cr doe offend? /mould I make a queflion of it , or bringyou into doubt e withyour fefe whetheryou haue herein faulted? not , -,l oshowewante ¡rather wordestomosseVsto repentance than proo fes ofdayly Plat, is, pratltfeio tomtit- vaoftranfgregion?Helpe Lorde,helpe may Itritely fay with Dauid, for good &godlie men doe perifli & decay;& faith& trueth from worldely men is parted rlcane away. Who fo doethWith his neighbour ralke , his talke is all but vainc, for euerie man bethinkech how to flatter,lyc & faine, But abut followeth/ Certainely euen that which wefbal1 find( if God by his grace ch::urge not ourheartes to morefiaceritie.Fo we make no confid nr e lo lie, to flatter,to fawne,to holr,to cogge,toglofe, dyj diffemble hontflie pie - tie,friendfhtppe,&fauiour,loue &obedience fatthfulneffe& truly &whatfoeuermaybepro- fitable to vs euen from morning to night,from we ref( tillwegoe to bed, & then how fhonlde we ercape &yet God be is fl too? It is eaten the wifedáme we extoll inothers andthat wet rice con - rinuál lttoattaine wire our felues, tohave neither true eye, true heart,nor true tongue , but one?), to fleme to bane all to euerie ore,whafe worde weohh orauthor:tie, maygayne vs anie thing in this turfed world;. -And fo man is our f1 rength, our pellicle is our God, flefh is our acme, dr u hat P au l fo reioyrethin,we laugh at,as vile & too filly( fmplicttie. Dauid of ureth Pi'a1.7.TI. hitnfelfethe Lord Willdefond them that are true ofheart ,we verily thinl(ifwebe true ofheart Peal ; ;;r T. we cannot, rorfhall not be able toltuein the worlde,w,muflCred #.are cum cretenuibus,rhat Prol.36.TO. is,we mug fmoothit,&ifoothit ,r Carrie twofaces vuder one hoode, ore /fewe are rot fowife 11a1.64. io. as we might be.Thus finne we l am Pure ofit, Tome more s f me lefe, &the reward( of the leaf? fnne,iseternal/ death. ButitistheLordesgreatmerdetomouevsfromanieTune. For dull Ijam 7.7. are our beartei to ftare any itedgement,tillit be vpon vs. And therefore to him I commende vs to open our eyes that.we may cuenearnji /y fee &,- confider effetlua /y, how impofbíe any fe, lowfhipe is euer to be had for me hollow, fnbti4guileful hypocritical!, e fo faorth, witha Clod al trueth,fncerity, fmp /icttie,& open affuredfaithfulnes it fe fe. For thefecond which was tel- ling oftales,we hare heard it beforefhewed&our owne hnowledgedoth-afure vs it isa branch oft hat breach of this c ó mandement,which /ha; borne both body & forile in the f re of bel. And yet fèeydo we flare it, or fly it ?Alas we knowe / am fore o ftt,we haue bin too fermi in this point, & our fecuritie nor feeing it weighing the wichederesvf the Vice. hosth / faired both hart & tong horribly .Lool about the world & viewthe general courfe rf all. Feareth any man todtfcredit bit nekhbour priMly, & towhtfper upon herfayerrhis owre imagination what tended, to the blemsfh of his name who're be fpeakrth of ? Fear, th any wcmar. "When fhe bath met with her goffip to tittle tatt /e,to the Handerof another this thing and thai )hsng, whichyeths.thnecer- tainty,o which .fulllothfeewouldhauefaide:of herf elfer yo%lilteconietlaret ?Nono,wefie too much the cur fed cottrfe of law/efe tonguerin emery place ,:bough the Lord in mercygtueth forte tonfo ienee r,& a thoufand times I b egge that we would fee our fnne,confefe our Jinn, & rip vp our guilt in this refpeíl .T3hyfhouldwebefodu /!&without feeling ? If it beavenue thus to prude and prat tleofeuerr body vncertaine tales , but moilcertainedtfrredites, them prooue itfo &oft it: but ifs:- be a branch of fa fe witnes that doth truly witrefe Gods wrath to hang otter vs fns it, good Lord, /hall we/Billbe polluted with u f Shal hell haste vs without any helpe? wilnotthedreadofdo/e fulldayllake fetchafilthyfaultintothewaning,t by little & litte cut quite the throate of'it,andmale it b /cede to death in vs? I hope tin heft, d- I w fb the aloft,the. Lord in his mercy fet a match before our mouths, & koe pethe deure of our lips for ester hereafter. Next con. meth hearing be/eeeoingtobeconfderedof faults inneceffityalfo, if tellnag.(alfe raleo kath before been iufl /y blamed. For there is nothing that fonurceth & now, ri/heth op a tale- teller,as doeth the credulous heart, (7 attending willing eare of the hearer. And therefore ifthe one beavice ,the other certainly iinovertai. Nowhotugeotlty are we in this againe,howe Haited,howeblottedbeforeourblem fhl godyofhefhouldeaterinto lodge- ment