Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

Deut.4. Phal.3g, TheEpiftle Dedicatorie. k.../trod if we JPould all deny it, yct would the world fiep in and fly , it knew what we denied. God haue the glorie, to whom it is due, of his free clelion mání- feged both to your relfe and others by a true Calling vnle fancti fication. And it rernaineth (Right Honorablc) that with a Spirit firming with the thankefull lone tof gratrousaGod,yoa let your lightfbine further to a greater glorie to the Lord, and a fuller comfort to our atone foule. Performe your (elfe therefore in all troth of heart,before the iudging eyes of a mighty God hill more & morè, as you doe alreadie, an honorable maintainer and furtherer of his truth. A 1Pield and defence to all the godly intheirgrrefes and dare ffes, carefull to haue bothyour fe f e and your familygouerned by the precious and holy word ofGod, maintaining and countenancing to that end,-as rnofl honorably you doe, both at bome,and abroad, the Lords pcare f ruants appointed to that mrni/terie. Bee a rare example (l ilt,bath worthy henoringandfollowingofcarefull be /towing of thcfe linings whereof God h :thmade your LorafhipPatrone. Multiply as the Lord f7ia/l afsift thofe your Honors zealous prayers, which tome can with: ffe for thepeaceofHierufalem ,that her righteonfne/femay breake forth as the light, andfaluation as a burning l.inpe. And Jlil fay with the Prophet Dauìd,we rei fh you good !take yr that be of houle o f the Lord. Tour Honorable ferurces for a mod gratio: s Scueraine ay euer the earth had any, and for your deere Countrey let them flill,as they ar e,be moltfweet and ioi fu 11 to you. In your honorable pace andgsuernment, Barrie yourzeale as your Lorafh. doth, eaen mace and more a- garn/l the incorrigible ,y of Iudath and Beniamin, to note their don= angs, to obferus their drrft,and to overthrow their plots. C, t off Eill with your fecora of holy Iu ft ice,as with exceeding travel your Lord f hip moll honorably Both, thole contentions,diforders arid offences that corruption both breedeth and fee_ deth suer -much. Andfrnally, as the Apo file faith, ifthere bee any vertue, if there be any prarfe, to God or to Prince, to Countrey, or to any, Right Honorable, thinke of that. For fs f Pall your Lordhip eflablifh your f felt( both in earth and in heaven, both here andfor euer. Ye your felfe and your feed,as the former prorni- fes haue giuen affairance. And fo Pall you toyour God and your f Ifr, and as ma- ny as know your vertues, flandapprouedeuer, what /suer either ignorance or voskinanefe may efcliin lame. Without this courfe. and care in amen /are as the Lordfhallgiue, well maya world continue while, flattering and fawning with many delights, God beefing patient and forbearing long , but the end is deflru/lion, death and canfugon, God beefing iuft and paying at la/I. YourPie Madame Hill more and more, as your Ladifhip doth , partake with your ovine, whatyour place permitteth in th%Honorable aftions,and mike thorn alto your ()none. Let it Hill bee raur Honourable. tuft and true praife, that you feare the Lord, that you lone his truth, favour his follow- ers and abborre his foes. For there is no praife (hall continue as this, there is no u'ifedome that may bee compared to it. The feare of God is the be- ginning ofwifedorne, a good vnderftanding haue all they that doe there- after. the praife of it indureth for euer. vlgaine, let this be your wiledomc,faid the Lord ofheauen to that people once,euen to heare my words,and workmy will with a careful! heart. For then (hall all Nations fay,you only are wife,& you only haue knowledge of the bet courfe. Get it be your Pofe,(Right Honorable) as plea /ant as euer it was : And now Lord what is my hope truly my haye is Brien in thee : Though the Loudfhould kil me,yet will