Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

THE TABLE. Free will confuted. 59 Friends doe alter a(harp temptation. a28 G Rine what it teacheth in the fourth pe- tition. 81 God giueth, and not any induflry of man. Ibid.It is he that giueth the vfe allo. 82 Godwhat he would he euer could. 28. how abfent. 3 r. how nere or far of. 32. how more in one place then another. Ibid. his glory how dear. 35. no author of milli. 69. his mercy and long fuffe- ring.87. hisRods arc fomtimes punifh- ments, fometimes but chaflifements. 94. He leadeth into temptation, yet no author of finne. io6 Godly ones rimed vpon bydrunkards.t 30 they communicate with the wicked in Prayer. 134 Good things of three forts. Great fellowfhip of the world. 90 Grace proued, and fatisfa&ion improusd. 88 Greatneffe of mans corruption. 1 oe L LAughing at other mens faults, how finfull. 72 Law may be taken againft offenders. 86 Laying vp how it is lawfull. 8o Liberties 37 Life uncomfortable. 126 Loue to our brethren. 26.89 M 4Agiflrates great meanes to build or plucke downe Gods kingdome. 55 loue due to them. Ibid. Magif+racy not taken away by the petiti- on of forgiueneffe of trefpaffes, 97 Ma1um colp e e pant. 6o Marriage andmatch often bitter, 130 Maffe how wicked. 26 Meanes to ere6ì. Gods kingdome in men. Meafure ofaduerfitie a fubtill temptation to the godly. 130 Mediator who and how manyof our prai_ ers. 14 Merit ouerthrowne. 6g Greatnef a of fmne a grieuous temptation Minifters of meaner guifts. q.7. their rea_ and how helped. r 23 ding not to bee contemned.46. they H cannot hurt the Lords facraments. r 39 HAllowing of Gods name what it is. 35 Mitth required of the godly. 1- Halfe forgiueneffe. 95 Ì- ieauen what it figniheth. 28 RAme of God what it is. Heauineffe of heart a temptation. 122 Nature of a child of God. 6 Neccf ity of prayer againi} tempt? o 1 Helps ofaffe6uioa in Prayer. How Chriflians may go to law. How man is faid to forgiue finne. 98 How man tempteth man. 109 How we pray againfi temptation. a a Humility taught. 27 Hypocritical! forgiueneffe. 95 I f.(Ames expounded concerning this, that ' God tempteth not. 107 Impeife6hons of our obedience, takéth not awayour comfort. 119 Inaprifonment wrongfull a tryall of the godly. 71 Irreligious men and women praid again fl through all Churches, 37 Iudgements rafh vpon aduerfities of all men. 115 K Isigdome of God of three forts. 40 how ere&ed in vs. 42 Kingdome come what it is. 43 Kin ;dome, what it is in the conclufion of the Lords Prayer. '54 98 Nouations confuted. xea o oBedience in heauen to Gods will. 67. though but litle, yet accepted of Gm/ is.r Obieelions againfl Prayer.4.againf+com- pelling to religion. 147 Our, what it teacheth in the 14. petition. 67.Our Father, not my Father why.26 Outward things may be prayed for, 67 P. pAmpering of thy felfe. Paines whence derived. Parts of the LordsPrayer. Peace to be prayed for. 78 Perfeuerancc feared fometimes of the godly, and how comforted. Perlons to bee prayed unto; Petitions how many. Place of Prayer. Popi(h thrift. Popes Pardons, 63 75 24 ris 13 3t r9 ro 99 Prayer