Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

A PROFITABLF, EXPOSITION OF THE Lords PRAYER : By vgy of Quefionr and inf>reres. Of Praycr in generalitie. iloy things are#oken by many men of Prayer ing eeralitie,and slaty would J heare what you think conuement ofthefame l yet would I notprefcri6e byamy queffwùu,, fór flare m want of iudg- ment in asking, might procure in you arty needleJanfwering. Your care is very good, yet (pare not to fpeake, if I ó. mit any thing whereofyou would willingly heare. Truth it is, that much is fpoken , and much may be fpoken of this matter at large, but a few things may fuffice vs at this time, hauing fuller difcourfesto go to when we will. Firfi then let vs confider, that 'Prayer hatha foundation euen in our nature as Prayer situ we are men, and is fo taught vs by the very inflinct and teflinionieofreafen andraf, but to confcience, thatlookewhatorwhomfocuer wee acknowledge and thinketó bee pray rightly, God, that and the fame we alto willinglyconfetre ought to be prayed vnto. Fot of God. aperfwafion of Godhead ftandeth not without a confeffion of Prayer Micro the Rom. i 6. fame. So we fee in the 14. Pfalme. where with the deniall of G O D, which the yerf. Z. foole maketh in his heart, is ioyned an vtter want of Prayerand inuocation.Con- trariwife in the 13 9. Pfalme with the confeffion of Gad, an Barnett, hartie, and Perfe. 9. often callingvppon his name. Se that a neccifarie confequence the Spir:t of yerfe. t3: maketh it vpon the confeffion of a GOD even by the ináindt ofnature to vfe Prayer to the fame. And contrariwife if we fhould neuerpray, then necetrarily mull we be euen in the number ofthofe fooles, which fay in their hearts there is no God. Which ifit were duely and effeetuallyconfrderedof vs, itwovldrowze vs airuredly out of our dead and damnable negligence in this behalfe, if there were any fpirit of life and feeling in vs , and caufe vs to acquaint our foules More often andearnellly with this heauenly exercife Fearing euen with a great (care Ín aeirueiè the vengeance ofingratitudetowards God for innumerable benefits, the plagues God, in hell due to fltheii tsand fuch as deny God, and the fame amóngfl men that of God .e. b force