upon :*he Lords Prayer. 15 the Father but bjmee :And as-there is a God, fo there is aincdiatour betwixt God 1 , and man. The high Prieff in the law by God aflig ned, a figure and fhadow of ,. r;n, =.p Chrift, euen in his office ofPriefthood taught the fame. And confcicnce in vs of Hcb9G,9,t4. our ownevnworthine ire toappearebeforeGod, in our (clues, and for ourfelnes, driuing vs away from his prefence, inferrerhit neceflàrily wth it : that there muff be aMediatourforvs. But who this is, and euer was, tlwoughtlae malice isfSatan working in his members,is become a quelhor,. We lay with the trueth and his due glorie, Chrift Ieftis our Lord, and he one.. ly. The Papiffs fay Chrift, but not Chrift onely. Our warrantes bee many, and ffrongagainft them. Erg expreffewordes There is one GClD, and oneMedratostr betwixt GODandman, the man Chnifi fur. Marke the place well, and fee how r.TiFrotL ñift heè determineth the numbet, and faith there is but one: Secondly the per- 3 fon, who that one is, even the man Chrift Iefus :Thirdly, why there is but one, and no mor, namely, becaufe there is but one Cod, and no mee. Which isalingu- larproofe, cuerieone blufhing to denie the one, and yet daring toauouch the other. So then by this place it is gor, that one God, and but one Mediatour, and thatChrill alto :but moe mediatours, moe Gods of neceffitie: which they will not teach I hope plainely. Secondly, alcthofeplaces that appoint vs to pray in Chrift his name, making Iohn,ro,r3. euer mention o, him, and onely of him, without any addition of any other, doe Iolo,16,4, they not with a mi,;htie fcrength vphold our foules in this faith ? For wanted the &Q Lord either power or will to àdde further trueth, if there had bene any f ach ? Or it het that faith hee will honourtbem that honor him, become enuious toward his faints, and will fpeakeof their lawfull honour, if this were it, topray to them? ? Thirdly, can any man bee our mediator with God, but hee that is loft him- t.5amc felfe, fully and perfe&ly before God ? And was there euer any fuch, or can bee to the worlds end ;but onely Chrift ?Is not any thing whatfocuer it be that commeth not of faith fin? And commeth faith any way but from the word? Then either' fome proofe out of the word,againff Chrift oenly, and for others afwell as Chrift, t.Iohn,a.r, or to beleeue ir is finite 'and a death for ever, without repentance. Dare we of ourowneheades fake,tlsehonour of Chrift, afcribed to him foexprefly in his word, and glue it to others equally with him, without awarrant? It is written, Ghrrtam meson alteri nondabu,l will not giue my glory to an other: and hee that writ ir 'hall iudgcvs fcr breaking in;vnlefte wee can (hew his difpenfation. Santlosde- fnallos pr; nobis orare, exnullafèriprara;Canontcaedocemur. That the Saintes departed pray for vs, it appeareth not in any Canonicall Scripture. 'Et eluamitis id faterer, nontamex ex .eo leequeretur, nos oportere fanaor defundortntto- care. And although that it fhould be granted, yet followtherevponit Would not. that wefhouldprayvnto them : foraflured by the word of God we cannot bee that they heare our prayers .Andwithoutthat affurance, what comfort can wee pray withal! unto them. Wherefore -nrofl grieuoufly doe they offend both againfl Chriff& religion,that trÿzkes mediatorsbetide him. We are plainely told that hee maketh interceflìon for'vs, but wee are tolde of any others, Iwrite unto o fou littlechildren faith Saint t,Iohnz.r. Iohn, that you.riraw not, and if anj man doefinne, we hauean aduocate with the Father, le_ firs Chrift the ri,;ñtcous, andhec is the .propitiatio» for our Times. Contra Iuwhich-placeof Scripture, S.Auflennotethtwothings.Firfthow theApoffle parmentan. Both not fay,yé hatie an aduocate,but we haue an aduocnte :teaching vs thereby, lib. 2cap, that there was neuer any fo holy but that hee had neede ofChrift robe his media- tor as well as others : and therefore hee did not feparate'himfelfe from others in that refpe&.Secondly,that hee-did not fayye haue mean aduocate with the father, butÿeehatie Iefus Chrift the righteous: néque ego exoro pro peccatisvéffris :- neither is it I that intreate for the pardon of your finnes, but Chrift. For